
NES games called for multiple playthroughs, since the games weren't really that long, so I found most of the secrets by goofing around.

Do they make styluses for the iPad, for anybody trying to actually draw using something other than their finger? I know Jobs is against using a stylus, but there is a real use for it. Maybe its not such a bad idea.

@TheSolarKnight: That's kind of what makes it ridiculous, its not like Nintendo needs to make up success stories, they have plenty of legitimate ones.

Eh, this coming from the company that claims Wii Sports is the best selling game of all time despite that fact that just about everybody who has it got it for free with the system, and never actually chose to buy it.

@RightFootStar: In short, he didn't get run over, he was pulled away, but there isn't a lot of information on exactly who the person was, or exactly what happened to him. Some say the guy lives in rural China, some say he was executed later on.

@PrinceCoyote: Right, I'm just wondering what makes that cheap? Maybe I'm reading the article wrong (I haven't fully gotten into the MP yet), but it sounded as though that the author was complaining about that being the case.

I've only started playing AC Brotherhood's online multiplayer, only a few "Wanted" matches so far. What's the thing with the gun? Shouldn't a stealthy up-close kill be worth more than shooting somebody?

I think it's also a question as to whether Hollywood is reactive or proactive concerning roles for gay men. A movie with gay characters probably isn't going to make as much money as a "traditional" film. I think it will take a "gay movie" that doesn't seem to have "gay" as a central topic.

Wahlberg was good in "The Other Guys" so I guess he could do comedy (even though he was more of the straight guy in that film), I just don't see him as the type who can get out those one liners that well. I like Fillion. Castle actually seems like what would happen to Nathan Drake if he stopped treasure hunting, and

@Timstuff: Exactly, when I first read that was the plot, I thought, well, why bother calling it Uncharted? Call it something else, and save the money on the licensing.

@MasterSamson: A mix, they aren't opening tombs or anything, but there are times where a previous explorers died looking for the same thing, and Drake lifts their artifacts to help him find the final thing (and they were Nazis anyway, so who cares if their bodies are disturbed.).

I'll admit it, I liked New Coke, but then again, I liked 7UP Gold as well, and Crystal Pepsi, and the Pepsi holiday soda they had last year, so perhaps I have no authority on the subject.

Did Slate take into account that after you shave with an electric razor, you have to take a regular and shave with that anyway because the electric razor isn't worth a damn?

I think I saw this product on an on SNL skit with Dan Akryoid and Jane Curtain...

I know ten years is a long time in technology, but I'm not sure if Tassi realizes how short it is in the game console market. Considering I'd say we're at least 4 years away from the next generation of consoles (assuming the ten years life cycles are close to accurate), we'll only see one more console generation come

I thought the phone was going to basically be an Evo for VZW, which is fine, but if that ad was the first I was hearing of it, I might be disappointed if the phone didn't at least look a little unique.

Having a small apartment myself, I fully support the whole "TV in the corner" idea. I didn't do it at first, thinking the space behind the TV would be wasted. But being 8 feet from the TV is much better than being 4 feet. It does feel like I have more space.

Dedicated gifts cards are okay. Its okay to buy somebody a CD, so its okay to buy somebody an iTunes card, or an XBox Live card instead of a downloadable game, etc.

They are partly right, the Wii is suffering from a number of things the PS2 didn't need to worry about.

Didn't Sony say last year they were going "to win 2010" or something? I'm not sure if they won, but at least it seems as they weren't just talking about of their rears.