
@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: At first I was upset that the PS3 didn't come with a headset like my 360 did, but after a couple games of L4D on XBL, I've come to enjoy the fact that a bunch of people on the PS3 are only yelling to themselves when calling everybody a f-g while their voices are

@protodad: I love my movado, but yes, there are plenty of times where I look at my writst for a minute, then just give up and pull out my cell phone.

The only game on the list I played is ME2, but I don't think I'd vote it GOTY. Don't get me wrong, I really liked it, but it just that "this is the middle of a larger game" feel to it for me, and didn't feel truly complete.

@TCMcQueen: I know, I'm more wondering what individual d-bag made that decision.

I've been out of high school over 12 years now, and unless we had a lot of misspellings, we weren't marked for it on essays. In middle school, we had spelling tests, I imagine if the school does have spelling tests, they aren't using spell check.

It's been 20 years since I've seen Tron, I won't watch the new one until I can rewatch the old one, which I can't rent on Netflix, and I' not nearly motivated enough to track down. Who's in charge of this? Shouldn't a studio that is releasing a sequal almost 30 years after the original want to make the the original

Considering only 8% of internet users tweet, I wouldn't give any titles out because of trending topics just yet. I definitely wouldn't hold it against a website that is much larger than Twitter if they didn't appear too much. Facebook sure doesn't need Twitter to validate it.

Not sure if anybody had mentioned it, but these aren't UPS employees, and it wasn't UPS that tampered with a package, it was a UPS STORE. They are related in name only, UPS owns the name, and the stores are basically all franchises (I believe they were Mailboxes Etc) and in fact, the one by me will send packages via

87 is funny, I definitely see a number of status updates where you can tell the person thought "well, I don't know if this is only funny in my head, so I'll type Overheard, adn have some plausible deniability."

If you purchased something from a fake retailer, odds are you can probably initiate a chargeback through your credit card company. Usually, you are supposed to attempt to resolve the issue through the retailer first, but not being able to reach them shoud satisfy that requirement.

@Jason Chen: Personally, I let that slide, we all had jobs where perhaps we didn't have the most complimentary nicknames for the customers, even though they didn't truly reflect how we felt.

@xhedgehogx: Thank you, I just kind of assumed they worked the same way. I don't get how Apple can patent this when somebody else already does it, even if only on a different OS.

@The Pr1nce: I have an option for "Apps" on my Evo, is that only available on Android phones then?

I've never actually shared apps using Bump, but doesn't Bump already do this?

@Scott: I agree that its annoying, but as others have said, I don't know if its "worth paying &70 dollars for a controller I cant use with every game" annoying

@Scott: I agree that its annoying, but as others have said, I don't know if its "worth paying &70 dollars for a controller I cant use with every game" annoying

I don't think I've lost (or won for that matter) a game of tic tac toe since I was 8. Unless, you count playing against a child who you let win because your trying to be nice/sleep with their mother.

Conan is definitely at his best when he is doing things like this, interviewing non-celebrities. On his late night show, I'd say the majority of his best skits were when he visited other places, like the town in Texas where is show aired at 3am, or the bird watching.

Well, if you are creating the document, you can set the security to now allow printing in a PDF, right?

@AZ929: Only somewhat. I mean, the guy went from voicing 90% of male characters in 2009 to only 85% in 2010, that dip must be concerning.