
Definitely should stay away from gift cards, just not because of what they say, but because you are basically paying for the priveledge of having less options to spend things on. You need to make sure you aren't paying a fee just to buy the card, and even if you are not, try to find out if there are any "dormancy

You're right about the show not feeling like a mid-season finale, I completely forgot it wasn't back on until February until you said something.

Eh, he caught it early, didn't cost him a job or anything, and I guess if it wasn't hard to rectify, its worth a laugh.

@Mekklesack: I'm just going off the excerpt in this article, but it sounded like he's calling the dude who waited to be first in line a virgin. And computer geek or not, I'm pretty sure it's okay to make fun of anybody who camps out to be first for something so trvial, for any reason.

Comic Sans was created to look the the writing in a comic strip or book, right? It did that pretty well, I'd say.

@Platypus Man: Chanukah starts Tuesday for what its worth.

Is BAYONETTATM the Japanese spelling or something? Or is it a cross between BAYONETTA and ATM for those who the game didnt seem sexual enough yet?

Just wondering if they make the distinction as to if the people want iDevices or a computer for gaming. Sure, I know you can play games on them, but that is hardly the only thing they do.

Well, they are talking about accuracy, and that seems to jibe with most of what I read. Regardless of how you think the games are, all the reviews I read give the accuracy advantage to the Move (I haven't played with it, or with the Kinect, so no comment from me).

Wasn't "just hold it sideways, doesn't it make it bigger or something" one of the lines in last nights Hawaii 5.0/Windows Phone 7 commercial?

@pallanti: I think "must play" has a different meaning on blogs like this than in the rest of the world though. I agree with you on those games, but I'm not sure if the guy who doesn't own a Wii would consider those games "must play" excpet for the Mario games.

I think there are two major factors the separate the Wii from the PS2.

Definitely the best episode of what was a pretty meh season (for the Venture Bros that is, still an awesome season compared to other shows).

@voltaek: You're right, my bad. I keep reading about how LG is "going the Samsung Galaxy route" with the Optimus I must have mixed them up.

Medically accurate or not, that isn't the most unbelievable part of the movie. The most unbelievable part of the movie is when the Japanese guy puts down the heavy lamp, and picks up a pebble-sized piece of glass.

Uncharted 3 would be awesome, we all know Nolan North could really use the work.

I guess it technically isn't free at this point, but the Samsung Optimus S has been popping up for free here and there, I imagine it will be again soon, so if you're on Sprint, it might be worth holding off until its free again.

Well, my DVR makes the move moot, but I do suppose this doesn't bode well overall.

@DestructoGirl: I think the ratings are "fine", but perhaps not high enough for what I imagine is an expensive show to produce.

That brief explanation actually reminded me of the shortlived "Daybreak" (I think that's the name), which isn't a good thing.