
@Tadashii: Personally, I don't think it would be a big deal if they cast a black Spiderman (or Captain America, or just about any superhero), but I wouldn't think a studio exec is racist because he feels a character that has been portrayed as white for almost 40 years should be white in the next movie.

@mullingitover: John Gruber is to Steve Jobs what Dwight Schrute is to Michael Scott.

I'll be impressed if I can say to my DVR, "you know, that show, with that guy, about that thing" and it actually records I'm thinking of.

@Al Swearengen: Yes, that's right, I was working from memory. I did think that was weird too. I understand "restoring American trust" worldwide, but "pride?" Has some British guy ever thought "I'm so proud of the U.S?"

@Al Swearengen: I thought about that, but he's "idealistic" and Joe Biden-guy was trying to "restore honor to America" so I think they are trying to suggest Martinez is a dem and Biden-guy is GOP.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Also, mind you, the guy they hit with the tire iron, works for the people who killed her mother and still has her sister, but, you know, don't hurt him.

One thing I liked about Spiderman was how closely (for a movie) they followed the comics, not just the origin, but the first major story arc of Spiderman, going from origin to death of the Green Goblin. There was an audible squee from the comic book nerds (I say that lovingly) when Spiderman jumps out of the way of

@Paul_Is_Drunk: To be fair, didn't the comics kind of screw with this in the 70s or 80s? It was before my time, but I think I remember the robber coming back years later.

In Fauxlivia's defense, the plane crash seemed to be an accident, as the pilot was trying to get reception and happened across the station.

Way to miss the point. A fire strands the cruise ship, and while they have food that doesn't need to be cooked, it was unlikely they had enough considering when they packed the food, they were assuming that many people on the boat wouldn't soley be eating non-cooked food.

@IAmJapaneseDJ: When you use it, doesn't the display show up on the top of the screen? I caught myself looking under my thumb a few times, then realized, oh, its right in front of me.

@rev02: I didn't mean that, by all means they should get pay raises, its just that many people consider their pay to be a private matter, and I'm sure plenty of people working at Google weren't too thrilled that some guy just told the world they got a 10% raise plus a cash bonus.

I'm sure his co-workers loved the fact that this employee told the world that they all got nice pay bumps.

Svedka vodka is voted best Vodka for the 5th straight year. No details as to whether the judges were "bot or not."

No search button?

I liked the episode well enough, I thought it was better than some of the last couple years, but I did say at one point "are they really spoofing Jumanji?"

@trebory6: Yeah, we were trying to figure that out. We figured while the hospital was operational, they probably were shaving him, and watering the flowers, and I have no clue as to how long flowers take to wilt anyway, but it could have been weeks after he was in the hospital anyway.

"How to cook humans"

I haven't read the comic, and I don't plan to, at least not until after the show (or season) ends.

@okamera: Well, the game is about a serial killer who drowns little