
It's been a long time since I cared about what a Spielberg project

@okamera: Well, the game is about a serial killer who drowns little

@wezelboy: Still is. That's actually the first thing I thought, the

I love the idea that chip can be consided "a concept".

So, how long until some guy buys a used BB on ebay, and finds all

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: I understand why they went that way, I just think they are eventually going to get sued over it. After my last comment, I read an article where Consumer Reports also stated that HSPA+ wasn't getting the speeds of WiMax. Of course, that article also stated that Sprint wasn't technically

@Mr.Wake: Would buy it new if I do indeed go for it, but I'm thinking if I hold off there will be a new disc coming out with all the DLC. Of course, if I keep waiting for better editions to come out, I'll never get anything.

I think you sum it up best with "Apple isn't THAT evil."

@Mark 2000: True, wasn't the Nintendo lawsuit more about "it was our idea" than "Nintendo illegally used the tech we to make the wii?"

I'm more interested in how things we've "imagined" over the years can be copywrited later on. I understand if you just steal Apple's code for multitouch, you may be stealing their IP. However, I would think just about every science fiction movie would make copywriting "ideas" moot.

@Coigleach: Thanks everybody, I actually have Borderlands, but that is kind of what I was referring to when I was talking about games where a GOTY edition exists with all the DLC.

@Pirandello: Wow, I can't believe I forgot to mention that, sorry. I have 360 and PS3, I don't really do PC Gaming.

@Daveinva: But it solves all the 4 year old logic questions like, "why does the batmobile leave a tunnel by Wayne Manor" or "Is it me, of did Batman get a sidekick the same time Bruce Wayne took in a ward?"

A little advice please. I have been out of the gaming world for most of the year, the last game I bought was Mass Effect 2. Anyway, circumstances have allowed me to resume playing video games. Any advice on the best game to pick up from the last year or so?

@sephto: I would suggest avoiding using the word "bangelicious" when talking to them.

@whmr: I'm joking, taking from the South Park movie, where Bryan Adams was referenced as an old diplomatic problem between America and Canada, in which Canada has apologized "many times for Bryan Adams." (That reminds me, America has South Park, which has never starred in SH&T my Dad Says).

Did Gawker tweet the story they ran about O'Donnell's one night stand? Because that would have been a dumb political tweet.


When it comes to Europeans and Soccer (even simulated), it does not surprise me somebody got hurt.