
That's 24 million average length songs, or about 12 Grafeful Dead jam sessions I believe.

@mind in rewind: Not saying one is necessarily better than the other, just that it the Galaxy is technically cheaper. And I do think many consumers are savy enough to know the difference between 3G and WiFi, my mother knows the difference, and "techy" isn't a word one would use to describe her.

I wasn't surprised the "viral" thing worked, since it was established that Vicky was supposed to kill the baby, and if it did get out that she didn't, her life would be in danger. They really didn't explain how Sean would know (or even think) that a viral threat would work.

How much does a million copies of a physical book cost to print? How much does a million copies of an ebook cost to make?

Uh, the $500 iPad is WiFi only, the $600 Galaxy Tab has 3G capabilities, so, that's a pretty big justification right there.

Well, I imagine most of the porn viewed on iDevices come through the Safari app, so when Apple blocks that, I'll take their war on porn seriously.

@Blackti3: I'm with you, did not like that film too much. It was okay, but after hearing from critics 'THIS IS EVIL DEAD 4!!" it was a huge letdown.

I refer to How I Met Your Mother's episode last night. Yes, guys do talk, but it doesn't really go past "I hit that" or "I tapped that." Guys don't generally go into much detail, at least not in my experience.

Paid actress or not, those laptop hunters commercials were pretty effective, and if I remember right, caused Apple to contact Microsoft saying they need to change their ads since Apple lowered some of their prices.

When I first read it, I thought the headline meant "well, I lost my iPhone, now I guess I'll have to pay attention to my wife, and have sex, since there is nothing else to do"

Oh, so that's what Jobs meant when he says Android is f*cked up.

Well, the iPhone WAS the rare phone that people chased. I know not all, but many people did switch to AT&T just to get an iPhone. Of course, iPhone sales will increase, but if the iPhone does go to Verizon, I think AT&T suffers a lot more than Android/Google.

Well, the iPhone WAS the rare phone that people chased. I know not all, but many people did switch to AT&T just to get an iPhone. Of course, iPhone sales will increase, but if the iPhone does go to Verizon, I think AT&T suffers a lot more than Android/Google.

@collex: Exactly, I was under the impression he was quite "ruggedly handsome"

If somebody told me that Naughty Dog based the look of Drake on Nathan Fillion, I wouldn't be surprised, not one bit. While playing the game, all I could think of was, "the guy from Drive (I didn't watch Firefly, don't hate me) should totally play Drake if there was a movie." Honestly, I don't think there is another

@taodon: I think people still remember when they were relevant. Cage used to be huge, and in Leaving Las Vegas, he got the "good actor" rep. Even when he wasn't acting great, it worked, like in Con Air. Also, I know a lot of his last few films didn't do so well, but they were horrible. Lets say Next made $20

Part of the problem is that "gay" or other words meaning homosexual have been long used to mean "wimpy" or "wussy" for awhile. I know that it is connected, but over time I think it has been disassociated with "homosexual" when used in those terms.

@chaosyoshimage: Oh, I still watch it, and it has gotten better, or less reliant on those gags.

I'm 30 (not sure if that qualifies me as a "young" american male), but I find American Dad funny.