
The charging numbers also clash with the range. It’s a 60v system. With a 2 hour charge, this is like a 4kWh battery at the absolute maximum.

My first choice is always going to be a manual, but I understand they are in general going away.

May as well strap a v-twin to a velvet Elvis. This is ‘art’ that has no business posing as a vehicle.

You’re not catching his point.

This owner is on a first name basis with the crew at the local drag night. ND on a thoroughly jostled grenade.

Mmm, Kermit green Del Sol

No thanks, I’ll hold it

1st/Neutral :

locking gas cap”

I’m not certain the headline came from Raph.  Frequently, whatever editor is running the publish button for the day picks a headline.

Clearly today’s theme is “a false sense of control”

That’s exactly where the secret sauce is for 2 wheeled EVs - battery management.

It’s got two dummy lights and bald tires.  Retail means dealer, and you’re not buying a car from a dealer with 2 dummy lights and bald tires.  Well, maybe in FL.

It’s BMW’s version of carbon fiber trim you attached over the top of the regular trim.

Musk will announce new chemistry. Range, longevity, cost will be touted. All Teslas as appreciating assets will be emphasized. Somewhere, an early 2022 date for release of this chemistry will be slid in. Special deposit slots available tomorrow.

That price, based on mileage and condition is a No Dice.

You went out of your way to say you couldn't tell your ass from your elbow, why would I disagree?

I mean......the screen and digital gauge cluster is kind of a dead giveaway.

Oh sure. I’m definitely not enthused about sitting in front of a 30 year old airbag, but I think it’s funny he lists the light as the issue.

Also air bag light needs to be serviced”