
How many people can afford $45k? Also, that Mazda doesn't exist yet. If you look at the meat of the market, 4 door mid-size and 4 door compacts, Not luxury segments, what do you have in the US?

The 'win' is seen as untaxed income, not a purchase. So you are paying income tax on the value of the car. So you're looking at 25-40%, depending on your other income for the year.

Probably limited. I think that's about the end of the speed rating for V-rated tires

*Ooo! An article tailored to my tastes!*

As good as Hennessey's work is, this is no family car. 7L at 805HP with a big-beef tranny is gonna drive like a track car, herky jerky, loud and vicious. It will look the part, but not play it

I don't understand this pursuit of ridiculous straight line speed in an SUV. If you're not going to carve it up, just save your dough

I'm not clear from the above whether or not you're in favor of ditching the new requirement from the list of trucks.

I feel like this would be much more amusing if played in reverse

Noun - A gay man that maintains a diet, so that his anus and bowels will stay clean, so at a gay party he is passed around to numerous men and buttfucked until he has a sloppy fanny.

Wait, it depends.....

The issue is, if you combine that with their current rule, that it needs to be all new or redesigned this model year, there would be many years with no award.

Now granted, this doesn't allow you to swivel the TV as some other wall-mounts can, but how often does that need arise?

Well, at least the dashboard tape was admissible, and the officers were rightfully convicted. The sentences might be a little light, but it's hard to say without more knowledge of the assault/injuries.

<— UVM Alum

It's like Stern in the 90's. Most people follow him because they hate him, and want to see what unbelievable crap he'll come up with next.

Yes, any rotary will do. It helps you to quickly parse the gear heads from non.

Either he's getting backsplash all over his face, or....no, there's no way. He's either faking it, or getting a face full of tinkle sprinkle.

Yes, and Acura is going for exactly the same angle with "Season of Reason".

You're right, Acura will never sell something like that again. If it ever returns (unlikely) it will be a Honda.

3rd Gear : Because everyone knows that there's no negative to selecting the "Super Size" option, right?