
Note to self :: Run flats aren't that bad, in a pinch

@MitchKayak: Are you trying to turn this into Fever Pitch II?

Tony Reali Wilbon, you shoulda gone for the Squadoosh!

Oh snap! He's deciphered ClintonPortisHead's* true identity!

The only argument for Jeter that matters :

@Karate_Kid_Reference: As opposed to those long naps I take on a plane as it sits on the tarmac for 6 hours before releasing us back to the wilds of terminal 6c.

Player : "Your really want on the team?"

When you've already lost 11...No. 12 isn't such a big deal

@Elhigh: $3 rechargeable batteries that stay in the car while you swap

@maximum-sienna: You mean you'll fold a 2nd row captains chair and wedge 3 kids in the back? I hope none of them require car seats, because with a similar track as a mazda5, I'm willing to bet a car seat takes up 40% of the rear-most seat width, leaving the other two kids to sit cocked-sideways. Not comfortable.


@Steve U: From my seat, I'd say :50 seconds

Here go the Bills, trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It takes me back to last year versus the Jets.......


"What? They won? They play in the weakest division in the league? They could make the playoffs? Where do I sign!"

24,000 lbs? Shouldn't that be, like, a 5 year supply of that crap?

@Peter Cavan: Dutch, Icelandic, Finnish, whatever. Somebody needs to get Robby Rotten a black market hand gun. I'm sure the Brady Bill is holding him back from completing his true mission