
You can see the obvious soft take on 'road beef' by the baseball wives. Why's that? Well, because they know how hard it is out there, after all they were once road beef too.

@Barry Lutz: Exactly. Give it 1 24-hour sports news cycle (14 episodes of sportscenter?) before Cubs fans are chasing this kid and his family out of Illinois.

In a related story, the Nationals doubled attendance at their last home game through an ingenious advertising campaign titled

@Gourmet Spud: Being close by, I can tell you Lake Placid isn't Canada

@pauljones: It's definitely a one-off. If it existed for retail, I'd own it.

@Jay Cutler's Insulin: Beer? That would make the 3 fingers of Bourbon in my paper coffee cup taste funny.

Voice Over "Some experts say the worst is over"

@Athens Grease: Or a naked Charles Barkley lifting the end of a couch

Why Your Stadium Sucks: Oakland

@Flathead Smith: How dare you try to cripple the gun rack industry the way auto manufacturers crippled the car stereo industry in the late 90's. Armament accessories should only be aftermarket

My friend Marc, pictured, is a well-educated Jewish boy with a law degree

@HockeyMountain: "Brad St. Louis fumbled away my fucking Christmas" in G-minor

@Engineerman: Not that I'm disagreeing with your general premise (urban vs. suburban), but in my general experience, with farmers, tax dollars flow the opposite direction.

@nataku83: I remember that story. Scary crap. I, too don't trust most of the local 'certified' programs. You may as well buy one from Joe Schmo off the street and pocket the difference.

@Weed Against Speed: No way. When I -er- my friend, is ridin' dirty, he always goes for the King's triple stacker.