
When I first heard of Sean Hayes in Promises, Promises, I didn't think it was going to be believable — not because it's impossible for any out actor to believably play the other side, but because I doubted Sean Hayes could do it — but having watched excerpts of the performance, I would argue that anyone who watched

Additionally, it's not as if the character had ever used the term pansexual, either. I'm not saying that would have counted as the same thing for those who identify as bisexual — it still would have been a type of erasure — but it would arguably have been an improvement on simply "I don't like labels" happening again

Sad but true. It's hard to imagine nearly as much screen time would have been devoted to depictions of her sexuality in action had the character identified as male and engaged in the same kinds of relationships.

I hear you, but still, before a writer makes such sweeping statements, a cursory check is called for. Well done in providing a specific counterexample.

Name a British show that did, and I will back you to the hilt. For now, it is simply an assumption of ethnocentrism, rather than proof of it.

Agree. Her sexuality was very much in service of plot rather than character, and the worse things got with JM the worse that problem became. It's the number one reason I quit watching the show. I adore Archie Panjabi and loved the Kalinda character, all the more because she got to do such clever investigative work.

^^ Way better than the vid itself.

Precisely. Thank you.

Awesome story :) Yay, you!

"He's always been a cat person, he's just never had a cat."