Matthew Keyser

I am almost 100% certain it’s a VW Jetta. My neighbor owns one and it looks pretty much identical. The taillights, headlights, wheels, overall shape and chrome window trim are a dead giveaway.

Couldn’t edit my last, so here’s this little guy. Street parked, usually.

I think this concept is actually going to look really good... once it’s watered down for production.

Aw yeah.

Here’s the one to get:

In Indiana, you can’t buy a car on a Sunday. In the same vein as how you can’t buy carry-out beer on Sunday. Because GOD. Or something.

Well it’s no more ugly than when it came out, I’ll give you that.

show me on the beef where he touched you with the chalkboard.

It’s a drink koozie. It thermally insulates a can or bottle.

God that’s bad ass

That’s actually pretty cool.

Whoa-oh, black Yugo

I’ll reserve judgement until it airs, but I don’t have high hopes.

The Great Slide in the Grass

We don’t need no traction c o n t r o l.

Who knows? Maybe there’s a future with Jalopnik on TV?


when you exceed 100 mph, something rises up from the seat and tickles your balls, just in case you were thinking that life couldn’t get any better