Matthew Keyser

my dad has had his XR for nearly 18 years. its a great car! easy to work on, fun to drive, and a great bonding experience in modifying it

i see one everyday... in my garage

The thing looks like Voldemort

Hey Matt if you want to come to the middle of nowhere in Elkhart, Indiana with that Lamborghini and make a 16 year old car lover very happy that'd be awesome too! haha

Anyone else find it ironic that a video featuring Richard Hammond uses Phil Collins music?

i think you'll find its a 180 degree V12

Our Merkur XR4Ti had that speedo too

We had one of these things a few years back. An earlier one without the strange swoopy thing on the side but basically the same car. It drove great, was plenty practical enough for most families, and to top it off was pretty amusing to drive. The worst part about the whole thing was the seats. They were so hard even

Same story up here just East of South Bend, Indiana. I see at least one of these stupid things everyday! and yes they are all driven by overly tanned middle aged women in that color specifically.

crap... i didnt see it until i saw this comment....

He is trying to pick up a bridesmaid, not a flower girl

But really who would be that stupid? Something like that would never catch on!

i have iOS 7 as well:)

First they start with something already pretty long like the:

if there isnt there should be

No offence to anyone that likes or owns them... I just see them as a motorcycle for people that don't ride motorcycles.... And to me it looks disturbingly like a squashed bug.

am I the only one that really doesn't like the Morgan 3 wheeler?

The bottom picture is an LS motor out of a Corvette...

Thank you... We had just figured the R was rear wheel drive... I'm surprised I've never guessed that!

XR4Ti My dad has owned this one for 18 years and still has now idea what the X stands for