Of course, I had no idea La Blue Girl was a hentai I thought it just had ninjas, you know like Ninja Scroll :P
I found most of my new anime through downloading AMVs.
Of course, I had no idea La Blue Girl was a hentai I thought it just had ninjas, you know like Ninja Scroll :P
I found most of my new anime through downloading AMVs.
Haha, oh man the resolution. I remember fitting 3 eps to a CD when my little 6 gig hard drive would get filled up. I couldn’t understand why a movie needed a 4.7 Gigs DVD.
I’m pretty sure if I busted out one of those old CDs I would cry.
Those were great days. Minus the poor translations, dropped downloads and having to beg and plead to find certain animes. Still, great times.
I think it’s a Time vs. Money issues with torrents of games. When I was a broke kid with lots of time, Torrenting and Wearz sites was how I got a lot of my games and I could spend and afternoon cracking and patching games trying to get everything running. Now that I’m older with a little bit of cash and less time,…