
Thanks guys you rock I will google cooptimus. I have never heard of Dead Nation - but she SERIOUSLY doesn't like zombies (the ones in Oblivion give her the creeps).. but if its as fun as you guys say I will have to check it out.

Hey guys!

Scalia is a prime example of an "activist judge", a label the conservatives love to slap on any judge who doesn't side with big business or gay hating.

Its called conflict of interest - its pretty cut and dry. He's a paid shill - which is unacceptable in congress and even doubly unethical on the supreme court.

pwnt =(

The truth is strong with this one. hearted.

That's because it is ok to do these things and cause trouble and get famous in the process.

I'll take 2 butts please.

Also leaving a tip of .01 is worse than leaving nothing at all. That usually signifies the tipper felt they got bad service. Just sayin'.

In a world where socialists are openly bemoaned for being un-american I think its more than fair that objectivism has to take a back seat in the crazy bus. Cargo hold preferably.

Must not rage at pic of fat fuck Scalia... Must not rage at pic of fat fuck Scalia.

At least these articles are entertaining.

Thanks for sharing! I really do appreciate it. I can imagine I'd feel much the same way if my situation were similar.

I really appreciate the comment... I think you might have detected I'm coming from kind of weird place right now and I think it really helped. I think I've been projecting a lot of things lately without realizing it and my marriage has suffered... the worst part is I can't tell to what degree.

I accept your criticism as valid. I've been contemplating breaking point a lot lately, and what frustrates me is that everyone else's seems so high. I was definitely sounding judgmental there and that's not how I want to come across.

I'm not even joking:

Don't feel bad I didn't even remember he died in the movie =P

Jerk = instaheart. "I'm SOMEBODY!"... all sorts of lol.

Free to play?! That's awesome news. Too bad Youtube eats my balls and won't let me stream. (could actually be the wife hoggin' all the bandwidth with WoW and Vent this time)

"Hi Ev-erybody!"