
Sometimes I watch the news on TV and laugh as I wonder how it turned into such a circus.

Approved, welcome to Applemodo.

For the record: criticizing Obama doesn't automagically make you a right winger. He shouldn't be making promises he can't keep / has no intention of keeping.

Good thing spiderman already turned me hardcore gay years ago.

Military Shooter: Brosturbator

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This is my favorite Shins song and video. I find them to be hit or miss for me... but I really liked that song... Do they have a new album//what album is it? Is the rest of it good?

Ever listened to music on Youtube not uploaded by the original author or played an NES game on an emulator?

Hulu has that restriction because its owned by the major networks. They don't give 2 slimy dicks about being anti-consumer.

I dislike rabid apple fanboyism as much as the next guy... but the title does say "What we THINK we know"...

People act like the occupy movement is trying to take their jobs away from them and force them into an organic food growing marxist collective.

Who do we have to blow to get confirmation on the Dark Souls rumored DLC. C'mon Kotaku throw that weight around. Daddy needs his medicine.

Pretty much... I don't know how they could have expected any other response than "LOL AD REVENUE"

Guize you need to trust him. He knows a lot about IP theft.

Its not racial profiling! We promise... Its just coincidence that 50% of people stopped are black, 30% latino and only about 10% white. Darkies need to know they shouldn't go around being brown in public.

His narrow interpretation of the constitution does little to protect women's rights and the rights of gay/transgender people. Handing them over to states is not liberty. Ease up on the Ron Paul kool-aid before you start calling someone ignorant.

I said as much in my comment... But it was more a response to others claiming consoles are holding PCs back on the graphics front. Who cares if they all look like brown ass?

Ah I see what you mean. A single card occupying 2 slots. As a single card user I'm happy to give it the extra space for cooling. I can see how it would be annoying for SLI setups.

If you ask me SLI has always been for those with more money than patience. I never understood paying for 2 cards for a negligible to 'okay' framerate bump. I guess extreme multi-monitor setups would be the excuse.

While I welcome any new excuse to play Golden Axe... Can we agree that virtual joysticks and buttons on a touchpad are rubbish? Whatever happened to... y'know... buttons.

Or if they're the loud mouthed instant gratification type that would enjoy MW3... Buy them Dark Souls and sit back and laugh.