
Did you read the quote of his I copied to my comment? Sure sounds like he's talking about DRM to me.

More money for less product. Its the new American (TM) Way (also TM).

"If a studio is claiming that piracy is totally fine with them and they have no issues with it whatsoever, that's the only time I really *would* pirate a game. If they don't care, why should I? Are these guys seriously surprised that their 'totally cool stance' on pirating actually *gasp* led to their game being

Anyone think its a little crazy that Apple can just boss around billions of dollars worth of entrenched interests for the big networks (CBS NBC ABC ETC) and the music industry?

Dammit I knew I should have patented my idea of a website for vapid assholes with no proper sense of their place in society...

Plus it doesn't damage the caps, in case you collect them.

This is ridiculous and I personally feel it infringes upon my right to be protected from unwarranted searches and seizures.

Not that they need to. Everyone loves netflix... But its a good idea none-the-less.

The girls thing can go in the opposite order and can be particularly devastating depending on how serious things get...

They actually look pretty stylish to me for cargos. I'd wear them, but I'm a sucker for light-weight. Not so much a sucker for $85 dollars.

Wow. Thanks for that lawl.


no woman, no cry?

First of all - I applaud you for trying to help your brother out.

Whatever gawker sites are using to stream video right now is terrible.

The picture of them oiled up on stage taking themselves super seriously is funny. I don't really care about sport games one way or the other, but I hope you sports nut can try to understand why some of us just don't care.

Queen is always appropriate.

The snozberries feel like snozberries.

Last I heard they wouldn't confirm or deny the 1 controller limitation, they basically said "we'll look into it".