
Yeah, it tells me people will pay $30 for anything.

ESPN has the right to criticize the President, but doing it this way shows a real lack of character.

President Sum Bla Kai

Jesus, that's an embarrassing thing to read.

Mega Machamp.

theres were only about 12.8k masters in this tournament, much less than the 3 mil total, so about 10% of the people in this division hacked their pokemon. i know this cus i ranked about 12.4k. apparently only using the move metronome is not the way to win.

I always thought the pot sticker world record was held by the back of any goddamn traffic sign.

I'm not seeing the option to vote for Mouse Y. Must be an oversight

I came to that conclusion about 20 seconds after I called it a cougar. I should have known, in cryptozoology, the correct answer is almost always "nutria."

Lebron's lower jaw?

I would replace jaded with feckless and entitled.

Well I hate triple-A games as much as the next guy but thats because they usually suck not because I hate the bankers, government, wall street exexs, and so on.

Yeah...jaded. Oh, master of wisdom and understanding, teach us twenty-somethings how to become more consumerist and make quick decisions when we're buying our new smartphones and smartphone accessories :)

I don't know what A-Rod's problem is. He's certainly got enough money to afford a good lawyer.

.gif, for anyone like me who broke their finger hitting 'play' too many times on the above video

Where were all these laws against homosexual propaganda when 'Glee' was created?

The first take of Orson Welles' iconic closing shot was wrecked by the same thing.

Great. As if there weren't enough heels in professional wrestling already.

Sounds like Patricia ...