Oh, shit! Look at that. A freak hail storm that only covered 100 square feet directly above the Tesla. Look those dents! Must have been grapefruit-sized hail . . . flying sideways. Blame it on climate change.
Oh, shit! Look at that. A freak hail storm that only covered 100 square feet directly above the Tesla. Look those dents! Must have been grapefruit-sized hail . . . flying sideways. Blame it on climate change.
Have ANY X-Men Legends/Marvel Ultimate Alliance games had interesting puzzles or interesting levels? They’ve ALL been brawlers where 85% of the game is enjoying the power-trip and 15% is unlocking new characters. I don’t understand what makes this one worse to you in some way?
You must be kidding. California has the strictest laws for cars and all sorts of noise and BS rules that aren’t present in basically all the mid-west and South.
“Wow, amazing. NONE of the Citroen trucks lasted more than 3,000 miles and they all failed catastrophically! Congrats on the sabotage.”
Flawless? Its freakin’ lucky. It just looks great only because the car drivers saw the fool and didn’t want their car dented and smeared with brains.
Also very inconsiderate. There are more considerate ways to commit suicide.
“flawless" perhaps in that he isn't dead, but still mind-bendingly shit stupid.
You are ridiculous for your comment. Your families systems happen to be the few that didn’t have the issue, but to make a claim that so many people dont know how to take care of their systems is complete bull dong. When does a handful of People speak up for hundreds of people with complaint of this same issue?
supposed to take off at 3:15, boarding was supposed to start 2:55
What kind of mental issue does someone need to have to get on here and post “I don’t have a problem, therefor the thousands and thousands of people who do have this problem must be jelly-covered toddlers”?
Don’t piss off your sole customer base. It’s like Harley Davidson saying our new bikes won’t support anyone who weighs over 140 pounds.
Wouldn’t it be “literally everyone”?
Isn’t the whole point of tuner culture that you customize your car to your liking, rather than getting it from the factory with a spoiler wing that could double as a hang-glider for teenagers?
I looked into these briefly when I was shopping for a car recently, and a few things stood in the way.
I imagine there are only so many times you can play I Spy and the License Plate Game before succumbing to space madness and ultimately cannibalism.
...Hey I know what happened to the other 10000 pilots!
STOP USING “BEGS THE QUESTION” when you mean-”Leads one to wonder”.
Begs the question MEANS “assumes the conclusion”.
Pedant rant over.
People being upset about this has always been bizarre to me, going all the way back to 15 years ago when I first heard it. The word has utility, and pretty much anyone coming into contact with it knows what it means.
Hot Accurate take.