So much grunting...
So much grunting...
Not that hard to believe.
Remember ten years ago when people were absolutely enraged that a game might have an “always online” requirement?
“At the start of June,” O’Leary reports, “she began refusing all fluids and food, and her parents and doctors agreed not to force feed her.” Several Dutch sites are reporting that Pothoven subsequently died at home as a result of refusing food and liquids.
Hey! Your helpful expertise is getting in the way of all the snark!
SELTOS - Fights indigestion and freshens breath!
Even with the BOGO, an 18hr train trip from DC to Chicago is the same cost as a 2 hr flight on American
The app-based stilt sharing mobility fad?
It’s Only a Matter of Time Before Trump Shits Himself
Helpful map
red=people who care
green=people who might care
black = people who could care less
So NOW we publish a picture of the suspect?
If we want to capture this guy, wouldn’t a physical description help?
Why Does the Car Have Boobs?
Part of the problem is that LotR itself suffers from a bit of MPD. LotR is singing songs in a pub in the Shire. But LotR is also Gollum being tortured in an orcish dungeon.
Every New York City Transit employee gave the same description of the “surfer” they saw riding the back of the train or darting across the tracks: young, male, wearing black clothing and white sneakers
I thought understating the horespower was so they won’t get into a horsepower war with other brands.
“A lot of times we just saw this context where the infant had been left in the car seat for hours and hours, and the supervisor was asleep or intoxicated during the time.”