Teh Mowt

...a sheer refusal to let its biggest stars grow as characters and change fundamentally.

I was wondering if the Germans changed their ways.

Next there’s the AWD traction... also providing a much earlier exit out of any corner.

It’s only there to be the quickest luxury sedan around

Is it worth the 6 figure price tag? Never thought I’d say this but when you can get more power and performance from Dodge or Chevy, something’s up.

What point will it have depreciated sufficiently to be attainable, but not be a maintenance nightmare?

AWD =“Not a true M Car”

BMW says that for $60k, I can get a 540 w/AWD and 335hp that does 0-60 in 4.7.  With the M5, what am I getting for the extra $40K?

(Full disclosure, I say that for $60k, BMW can go pound sand, but I’m still curious.)

So it was Subaru’s marketing department is the one that decided to do a GR Sport?

Toyota had a lot it could have done here.

Because we’ve apparently learned nothing and are doomed to relive the same news cycle over and over, Yelp retail customer service has once again become the home for airing political grievances.

Of course it is! It was something fresh and new. Something that hasn’t been done before in that genre let alone movies in general.

Presumably, you’re addressing the would-be second owners, bringing us one step closer to the apocalypse.

If the plan is to court existing comics buyers, I think you’re right. But I think the strategy is to sell comics to people who are into the comics characters, but aren’t necessarily buying comics.

If you didn’t like AC3, that’s because it was bad; don’t blame the rest of the pre-Origins games. But note that they will play much more like AC3 and the earlier games than they will like Origins — Origins was a big departure.

There are so many things I could add to this chart... Tower defense, crafting, ranged weapons, grapple, pick pocketing, customizable or changeable outfits, Desmond, zip lines, follower missions, companion mobile app, multiple protagonists, bombs, sleep darts....

Bummer. Would have made more sense to have Far from Home followed by Homecoming, rather than vice versa.

Plus, at least these castle guys bothered to draw new pictures.

The Fallout Boy art style is so distinct, and it’s a really odd choice for West World. I can’t think of any reason to explain why West World looks like it does other than a copy/paste from Fallout.

...because Subarus go where the bears are.

That’s an entirely different kind of weapon