
“ Medicare for all is a fucking joke and won’t work here without taxing us to death.”

Says the guy with a vested financial interest in the insurance industry. Right. 

The *problem* is third party insurance companies making profit from people’s suffering. Your “system” doesn’t solve that. They’re still going to eke out

He’s like a western themed Ben Shapiro. 

“But we have this idea that they represent this cancer on society while everyone else is just, like, kind of ok”

We’re all in the same boat. These motherfuckers aren’t rowing, they’re trying to sell shares in rowing futures to... look, the metaphor broke down a bit. Its not really my fault. Suffice to say, they’re

“One of my companies vends an Electronic Medical Records system”

Ah cool. so you’re profiting from our current system.

I like the automation idea, it’ll do wonders for M4A costs. Once we set fire to all the insurance companies and sow salt in the Earth behind them. They’re absolutely unnecessary in the modern world.

“how individuals who work in financial services... ...are the blight of society.”

This... really isn’t a bad take. Most of the financial bros and hedge fund shitbags are exactly that. Hoarding and hoarding while providing nothing of value to society.

“Where I come from we call this theft and we solve it with a pistol at the time or a rope later.”

Edgy. In the real world, we call it “Living in a society”.

Also, reasonably sure she’s not talking about taxing *you* like that. Unless your income is over several million dollars a year. In which case, I have zero

“ I say if he’s so powerful, look at what he’s done with that power. He didn’t secure the border, he didn’t fix the immigration system, he didn’t do anything that we need to get done on infrastructure. “

I don’t read that as what she’s saying she wants to do... more that Moscow Mitch has said that “These are my priorit

“ “What I worry about, if it becomes law, is that people will pay more and wait longer for worse care then they have today.”

He’s JAQing off here. M4A proponents have refuted this over, and over again.  

So you’re a Great Hills Partners Partner and ALSO an RBC Company?

How are you affiliated with Citi? They seem very similar. I mean, 75% of the letters in their name are the same as yours.

Also, speaking of Kabbage, how’s your granny off for Coleslaw? 


So was Palin though. RRRRREVENGE!! *steamroller noises*

@Things Reactionaries Say That Would Be Awesome If They Were True

“if people were willing to be put into a medical coma, have a machine circulate and oxygenate their blood, have their lungs filled with an inert substance, be suspended in a gel and have their body temperature drastically lowered”

As long as you didn’t break it up into chunks like:
OMG Wake up!
Its happening again!
OMG I can’t believe it, are you seeing this?
Turn on the TV! OMG!
Its like totally your birthday again! Happy Birthday! 

“Mostly Bad for also giving supremely talented rapists and murderers a second chance.”

Psst: Its this one.  

“Welcome to the fucking imbecile and oppressive Muslim world of religion.”


I have nothing for this but sadness.

“and perhaps consuming their power”

Or, at least their cuttlefish and asparagus.  


Man, his wife *totally* looks like a Becki.