
I have a trip to Ireland/scotland planned sometime next year. I’m 100% going to deactivate my facebook and delete it from my phone before I go.

Even though I’m a white, middle aged, married, professional American Citizen... There’s always a chance that some CBP motherfucker with a hair up their ass would find a

You have far more intestinal fortitude than I.

I couldn’t imagine doing that for a living. My hands would always be choking someone.

ellipticalsmith isn’t TF? 

Japan’s having a bit of a relapse though. 

“It has other uses that are still valuable today “

Such as?  

Zone Improvement Plan.

Its an acronym, so properly, its ZIP code. ;)

From the wiki: The term ZIP is an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan;[1] it was chosen to suggest that the mail travels more efficiently and quickly (zipping along) when senders use the code in the postal address.

Of course she is! New York is a coastal state, and she makes $175k a year. Also she’s a communist, and all communists are elites. Something something gazpacho. 

“Everyone knows what western civilization entails”

Yep. Racists being racist. That’s all you got? “Don’t like it, leave”?

Also, +1 for the “everyone knows” and the wrong conjugation of your. But please, keep telling everyone how not racist and awful a person you are. Its going so well. 


Today’s announcement has been brought to you by the letter N!

N, as in Nepotism.

Can you say Nepotism kids? 

I live in the desert, its too hot most of the time for unnecessary clothing. ;) 

“How about the presumption of innocence and individual rights”

Would that be French Civil Law(Napoleonic Code), German Civil Law, English Common Law or Scandinavian Common Law? Which one of those is “Western Culture”

Oh my! Its almost as if a homogeneous “Western Culture” has its own subset of individual Cultures.

Shift insert is needed to paste into CRT emulator programs. Sometimes, ctrl-v doesn’t work.

Scroll Lock or Capslock is a better answer :) 

No, because I don’t waste my time defending it. I also understand that there’s no, single homogeneous “Western Culture”. Its a term designed to mean “White Europeans”. So y’all don’t have to mention race. That’s how dog whistles work.  

Those who use the term are horrible, unapologetic racists. Case in point.

Its generally telling that the only people that defend “Western Culture” are horrible fucking racists.

Also in network engineering.
sh int status | i err-disabled
“show me all of the errored out ports on this device” 

1) Soccer is as boring as Baseball.
2) While those programmers are throwing things because of the /, they will throw additional things for the |. Its called a pipe, and its super useful. :) 
3) Just don’t wear underwear. Its superfluous.

Its even the right shade of orange. 

Short answer: Yes.

Somewhat longer answer: Yes, absolutely. 

Man, I wish I could be healthy 90% of the time. 

I always select Jacksonville as “America’s Team”.

There’s an NFL Radio talking head that did that, and it stuck. Adam Schein? /shrug