Using his logic, Target has stolen tens of thousands of dollars from me over the year. They have NEVER bought anything from me! There’s yuge trade deficit with Target! Now, I’ve put on a 25% tariff from everything I buy from Target. That’ll show me!
Using his logic, Target has stolen tens of thousands of dollars from me over the year. They have NEVER bought anything from me! There’s yuge trade deficit with Target! Now, I’ve put on a 25% tariff from everything I buy from Target. That’ll show me!
Crenshaw? Yes. he should be banned permanently. Fucking pirate cosplay enthusiasts.
A #bluenami if you will.
Mmm hmm. And the SEC won’t bother investigating.
“I’m not racist but <says a ton of actually racist shit>.”
Ugh. Gross.
“ With exception to Hispanics, where his support is like 35-40%”
Because Jesus. “Conservative” values and shit. “We came here right, those illegal fucks should too”
Source: Am married into a semi-hispanic family
“ their “i’m just asking questions!!11" veneer.”
Fucking Sea Lions.
According to some people, Sport is all we *should* make of this site.
Trashcan Lannister is the best so far.
Not the first time someone was killed by an accidental discharge.
Look, Dick. Can I call you Dick? Richard? No, you look more like a Dick to me.
I wish we could trample people over TCP/IP.
He’s probably super proud of his ableist slur of a username.
Inb4 “REEEE!!! TheRoot is leftist propaganda!!!! You can’t trust them for actual journalism! I have a source at that says...”
Its for when you have an accidental discharge.
Helps it not be so obvious.
“ Look, I’m not that familiar with this women”
How the fuck can you not be? Do they not get Tomato Lasagna news in Stalingrad?
Wait... where’s the option for “Go Fuck Yourself Jim Spanfeller” ?