
Can we give Adelson a viking funeral?

I mean, I know he’s not dead yet, but can we? Like tomorrow? 

What a cutie :) Love the toenails

Also: Isn’t watching them do zoomies like the best? 

As a Seahawks fan, I approve of this message. 

This is a very valid point you fat, selfish, hypocrite. 

For the thread, yes. For the site? No.

I still don’t know what I have to do for that. 

Guardians of the Galaxy? 

I mean... that’s kinda the joke here... 

#OrangeSkull #HyailYydra

This is Faith. She used to race. Still does sometimes at the in-laws’ house in their yard. 

He doesn’t know the meaning of a LOT of words. 

Replying to ungrey.


What if I put turkey, lettuce, tomato, mayo and a little mustard on a hamburger bun?

Is that not a sandwich? What then is the difference between that and a hamburger patty instead of the turkey? Is it temperature? SO a cold burger is then a sandwich?

What is the phylogeny of a sandwich exactly? Is it defined as an

It honestly kinda pisses me off.

This bullshit motherfucker is ungreyed almost immediately every damn day...

I’m here for months and still can’t get it done. Its goddamned exhausting. 

“Fine, I’ll just have a McFlurry. Or have all of those melted like your “ice sheet”?” 

Wait... Tom Hanks? A pedo? What the actual fuck?

That’s not even remotely plausible. 

““I thought it was a very not nice way of saying I can’t buy Greenland,” Trump whined. “They could have just told me no.””


I prefer beer though. Porter or stout if you have em. Brown ale if you don’t. 

Still better than Chik-Fil-A. 

Yes. Bread, meat, condiments.

If you consider a tortilla to be bread, a taco is *also* a sandwich. 

“And if they try to revoke Californias autonomy in this area”

Which would be goddamned hilarious since they’re so big on “States’ Rights” donchaknow.