

“Another 1/3 of her blood is just free-flowing racism”

Produced, of course, by the racist bone marrow in her racist bone.  

“let’s start by making our conversations civil and productive.”

Fuck you Ryan. Who the fuck are you anyway? The tone police? FOH with that nonsense.  

And don’t let him start with “my org but not me.””

He’s a notorious micromanager. Shit don’t happen in the Trump org without his input. 

And I get paid $150,000 a year to do it.

Or however much they get. I assume its a shitton. 

Biden —> Old Mayo.

Also, I took that bullet already. Mayochup (and its cousin Mayomust) are godawful. Its like someone mixed mayo and ketchup (or mustard) and added an entire Scarface Desk of sugar. The taste is overwhelming sweetness with a hint of mayo.

And the way he stands... its so weird.

If only he had his suits tailored properly, he wouldn’t have to stand like that to conceal his... failings. 

Did he do that alpha-male yank and pull bullshit? 

My guess is you live close to the border between two time zones. like on the east side of the western border. ;) 

Kinda looks like an FJ that hit the gym (and also the juice).

Either way meh. Stupid truck, stupid name. 

“Trumps nationalistic economic model is a traditionally left idea”

Yeah, no. Nationalism is right. Trade protectionism is right.

“ politically the nation shifted left enough where he found more in common with Republicans”

Dude, this is absolutely asinine. The Overton Window in this country is so far right in this

This needs more stars. 

Phoenix is bad for this too.

I worked for a cable provider doing tech support. Every now and then we’d have a huge outage, and it’d be nonstop: “Hey, my cable’s out” “Yes, we’re having a widespread outage in the Phoenix area. We currently have no ETR” “Oh, I’m in Mesa though?” Next call: “Hey, my cable’s out” “Yes,

Side note: He didn’t get better. 

“always thank god the USA is there for them to get cheap tests done.”


Meh. There are other fates I’d not wish on people.

One is being murdered by an AZ cop in a hotel hallway. (Mesa, not Tempe. But its all the same really) 

They’re like medium peaks now. This shit? Gets em to stiff peaks.

To whip them into a frenzy so they go vote against those dirty commie bastards. 

Mmm... I can dig that. It makes the mornings dark though. 

If you have time, pull out your phone and pretend to be on a call with someone. Just start shouting obscenities loud enough for the conference to hear.

When Tod looks at you and says “Hey, I’m on an important call here” Say “Fuck you and your call Tod. Put some goddamn headphones on and shut the fuck up. And tip your