
You are wrong.

Rogue One was a breath of fresh Air...TLJ was an FU to fans

As a counter point, Rey’s arc is really weird int TLJ. Her only interactions with Kylo Ren in the first movie are not just bad ones, but MASSIVELY negative. He captures her and threatens to torture her and assaults her mind with the force, and then she sees him murder his dad.

I didn’t mind Old Man Indy (what else did we expect?) and the aliens seemed on-brand (‘30s-40's pulp stories are going to involve Nazis and magic artifacts; ‘50s = Roswell and Communists).  Just didn’t think it was well-executed or had much of a heart, sadly.

I was prime age when Jedi came out and a super nerd.

or you know they give that trilogy to another director who half the fans don’t hate....

i know the first instinct is to ignore “haters” but if you pay any close attention you will see that this TLJ hate is nothing like things we have seen before, there is cleary a divide among fans now and it goes further than “seven angry redditors”

100% this. i had my complaints with TFA but it at least “felt” like a Star Wars movie and there was hope TLJ might make some sense of certain issues and then well we got spit on by Johnson....

A. Revsionist History, people always wondered about Solos backstory..but now all of a sudden because the movie didn’t make money “nobody wanted a Solo film”

After Force Awakens there were complaints and whatnot, but still at least a fun “Star Wars” film. The Last Jedi seriously felt like “Fuck you and the Force you rode in on Star Wars fans.”

St. Jude is also the patron saint of desperate cases... which seems appropriate for a hospital that treats children with the toughest cancers and pediatric diseases.

As for that divided fan base, maybe it needed dividing. Maybe the people who want Star Wars frozen in amber need to back away a bit.

Uh... that’s kinda the more modern explaination of Empire Strikes Back history but it’s not even close to what was reported in the decades before Disney. Essentially it was heavily implied Lucas fired Leigh regardless of her being nearly dead from cancer because he absolutely hated her draft.

and those irrevocably colored what fans thought a Star Wars movie should be. Any deviation, any experimentation, would be met with utter contempt

Yeah if Raiders can have a golden ark shoot lightning at people and result in ghosts flying around and melting people’s faces, Im not sure what the problem with aliens is in general. Just the execution was the problem, for me.

Then we shall have to agree to disagree, Sir.

Translation: Rian Johnson was the absolte wrong man for the last movie but don’t worry everything will magically workout this time because Rian Johnson won’t feel compelled to go off script this time.

Agreed. The problem with the tone shift in TLJ is very much caused by they fact that they did not have an overall plan. Lucas pretty clearly, and despite what he said later, made the first move with a vague idea of how it fit overall.

I think you vastly underrate how much a decent portion of Stat Wars fans hated TLJ. Not just, oh it sucks, like what happened with the Prequels, but outright i hate this movie and it has soured me on all things Star Wars.

This is always the WEIRDEST defense for me of the “no overarching plot line by one creative person/team” in the ST...