Can someone point me to the actual threats? There weren’t any shown in the video that I was forced to watch. Just some completely unrelated images of “scary” guns...
Can someone point me to the actual threats? There weren’t any shown in the video that I was forced to watch. Just some completely unrelated images of “scary” guns...
They found out all their rabid supporters were Russian bots, sent to spread dissent and didn’t know what else to do...
I... don’t think you understand the rules of the game. It seems YOU’RE not arguing in good faith if you choose to believe otherwise. Tell me, how are things in your reality where Clinton won? Everything good over there? None of the problems all of us in the actual, really-really real world are experiencing?
Mercator Projection. It fucks the world all out of shape.
So... can we yell at the “evil” money-motivated corporations or not? I’m getting mixed messages here...
If you’re expecting multi billion dollar companies operating within a capitalist society to have loyalty to “fans”I have some really bad news for you.
At the same time, AT&T can give crappy service and nobody bats an eye, because “what are ya gonna do?” or something...
You mean a legal adult, over the age of 18, able to be prosecuted for poor decisions?
Just as Splinter ramps up its commenter suppression efforts...
Hamilton Nolan: Sit down, OBAMA!! You should have tipped a BILLION!!
But, open the borders, right?
Yeah. It’s a bad example for even the 50's... The X-frame cars were HORRIBLE. If you were to do something from even 5 years later, it would have been bad, but not nearly that bad. Hell, if they had used the non-X-frame (Buick, Caddy, Olds), that would have been slightly better.
Hm. I can’t imagine why they don’t like you... continue to ostracize them. That’ll fix everything. Make fun of people for their quirks and beliefs. That’ll help.
No, you wouldn’t. And that’s why it won’t be built.
If you can’t inspire people to follow you, do you really deserve to lead?
It’s amazing watching people on leftist sites tearing each other apart over it... Simply amazing.