Which is more than the bankers that collapsed our economy in ‘09. Thanks, Obama!!
Which is more than the bankers that collapsed our economy in ‘09. Thanks, Obama!!
In my podunk town, I drive past 6 gas stations on my 3-mile drive to work. 4 of them are owned AND operated by Indian or middle-eastern families. They work hard. If someone thinks that portraying someone as a owner/operator of a convenience store is “playing a stereotype” or “minimizing someone’s ethnicity,” they…
I’m not represented by Homer or Bart. Better listen to me, too.
Did Turkey actually present any evidence to back their claim? Because, well, Turkey isn’t exactly a paragon of human rights... or an impartial observer... or a trustworthy source...
But, but, but, he threw out all the correct virtue signals!!
Not even the pull of a Cardi B performance... could lure audiences in to watch the special...
But but but, then poor people can’t afford housing because of all the restrictions!!
Kinda like feminist-leaning “woke” women actors playing “sex object #3" characters in film?
Do you watch The Purge, as well?
Whelp... No typed list. I’m out.
Puts my drunken Ebaying to shame...
You’re not familiar with the Hipster Axe? Just the thing for wandering the Bronx.
You should have seen the shitstorm when I brought my emotional support snakes on a plane. There’s a whole “inspired by” movie about it...
That was a long way to go... It did brighten my day, though.
Until you lift the banhammer you put down on me, you can fuck right off, Alanis.
Don’t forget the “black guy raped me” girl...
Jagoff, you’ve been told MANY times... YES, you CAN believe the woman (or victim of any gender) without immediately calling the defendant guilty. You do it by taking the victim’s statement and then INVESTIGATING. What part of that is NOT believing the victim?
You think a TV actress is just going to randomly accuse the lead of her show of harassment for funsies?
Lol witch hunts with no innocent victims