
Wow.  Nice.  Attacking someone’s appearance or features?  Very Trumpy of you!

Welcome to The Root? Welcome to GMG?

It just occurred to me that “- Don’t tug on superman’s cape” is advice that would have been helpful to President Zod... YESTERDAY! 

Never rub another man’s rhubarb?

Huh.  It’s nearly EXACTLY like donating to the Clinton Foundation, iddnit?

I got a GREAT idea! We get them to a big lake, right? And there’s a boat, but there’s not enough room in the boat, so they have to water-ski behind it... But get this: ZOMBIE SHARKS!!! They have to JUMP them to get across the lake!

Soooo.... They shouldn’t have been a CW-quality show?  See: The 100

Miss America: Civil War

Don’t give up your guns?

Wedgie that nerd!!!

Remember the girl in high school who half-heartedly campaigned for homecoming queen? She knew full-well she was a shoe-in for inhabiting the throne and leading the school dance that night. Her school hallway signs and “Vote For Amber” pencils were insulting. We all know how things were going to turn out.

Your friend says “STOP PEEING IN MY PANTS!!!”

People are idiots, news at 11...

I was gonna say it looks California, but the whole thing does feel a bit Minnesota, doesn’t it?

Yeah, and if the clickbait headlines continue to escalate at their current rate, you’ll be expected to click “THE UNIVERSE IS ENDING!!!” Just to find out who won the sportsball game last night...

It has certainly been defended by certain segments at every step of the process, and now — hooray! They have the site virtually to themselves! :)

I wish I had the ability to investigate the number of left-leaning accounts here that are straight up trolls or bots...  In my imagination, eliminating them would cut GMG readership in half.

Kinja just made it possible to sterilize the echo-chamber....

It’s part of the exchange program. See also: Eminem and Tiger Woods.

It’s a win.  Take it, man!