If you don’t pay your internet bill, should they be able to take away your house?
If you don’t pay your internet bill, should they be able to take away your house?
The thing about comments like this is they assume that paying more in tax means you will get an abundance of ‘services’ and that they will be high quality.
I can’t believe they would leave a couple of elementary school kids behind. Somebody needs to be fired immediately. That is unconscionable.
Please then explain how Obama’s golf is less offensive than Trump’s. Where was the outrage when Obama went on his golf binges?
30? Really? 30? Even this scab article says once every 5 days!!! I see you use typical double standard, libtard math. Well done.
Where was the article expressing the outrage of Obama playing 333 rounds during his tenure? Liberal hacks...
So assume the worst and fire his ass! I hope something similar befalls you. We live in glorious times!
Taipei Lantern Festival. Taipei, Taiwan. By Josh Sepulveda.
Whatever you choose, it will never be good enough.
I didn’t know Draymond was a guest lecturer in Duke’s Physiology department.
You realize pipelines are something like 5.5 times less likely to cause a spill than rail transport? Plus the injuries to their workers per ton of petroleum transported is also significantly less.
That’s for ALL Americans, under our 1st POC president it hasn’t been all roses:
What wars did he stop? More wars now than ever before. Significantly increased the Middle East unrest.
The commentary will surely devolve into an angry anti-Trump screed, but remember, Hillary Clinton also opposed the TPP and got the thumbs-up from the Huffington Post for doing so.
Of course he’s happy. Trump won. It’s now legal again for him to be a rich, heterosexual white guy.
60 MILLION dollar loss? is that annually? how could anyone justify spending money subsidizing something that will never, ever break even?
....Indonesian colony until 1999...
Yes, it is quite common in all business ventures to allow your top talent to leave without making any attempt to keep them on board.
How is it useless?
It’s funny that you mention that, because 10 or 15 years ago, how fast a lightbulb could turn on would’ve been an important metric. The reason why CFLs didn’t catch on fast originally is because they could take several minutes to warm up to full brightness, versus the instantaneous full power of an incandescent. These…