Shit. Forgot blue collar. And also white collar. Apparently white people are the only people with collars.
Shit. Forgot blue collar. And also white collar. Apparently white people are the only people with collars.
I was sure of that as soon as Ivana’s book described him raping her. Pretty clear!
Exactly.... it ranks up there with “I didn’t mean to say/do that, I was drunk”. When your filters are down, that’s finally when the Real You comes out! We all already know who Trump really is.
He sounded like every other politician in that video. Needless to say (but I’m saying it), someone wrote that apology for him. He probably rehearsed it once or twice, but he was still obviously reading it.
The video goes on from there, following them inside, and Bush has her walk with them, between them, asking her which of them she’d rather date. It’s almost as gross as the in-bus portion.
Teleprompter or not, he wouldn’t have been able to sound sincere. Because he doesn’t believe the apology. Who he is on the tape is his authentic self—vulgar, abusive, and a pig.
I actually almost threw up when I watched the video/audio and got to the part where they get off the bus, after having said all that stuff, and Billy Bush basically wingmans a “hug” for Donald from the actress. And then he cravenly grubs for one himself. That poor actress basically had no choice. It was smarmy and…
“What I said ten years ago doesn’t reflect who I am even though I haven’t stopped saying any of these things and I keep harassing women see you Sunday, clowns”.
In a much longer post I made down in the greys- :( one day- I bring up the absurdity, that in this “apology” video he only “apologizes” for 21 seconds, he uses the remaining 1:10 seconds as a campaign promotional video and uses it to attack Hillary and Bill.
Right? “Fuck you for noticing what I said, but now that you’ve noticed I guess I’m sorry” is not exactly the most convincing apology I’ve ever heard.
Yeah like, so his wrongs don’t matter 10 years later, but Bill’s wrongs still do? Also I’m trying to imagine any politician saying that a Forst Lady cheating on her husband means HER HUSBAND is to blame and can’t be President. I think this extreme double standard is real.
Also, have an eagle crying tears with little pussycats reflected in them. Smoldering towers in the background, with an eye of Sauron cum engorged vagina image superimposed over, all classy-like.
She needs to literally just re-play this video and then record herself pulling an incredulous face and making a wanking gesture. While wearing a t-shirt with a cat on it. And then mouth the words “grab this, shitheel” and drop an invisible mic and dab non-stop while the camera floats away.
1. He looks miserable and sounds like a petulant child.
while this fiasco will likely be great for Hillz (Yay!) Having to hear the word pussy in connection with the trumpster fire so many times today is suuuuuuuper grossing me out.
Remember that time Donald Trump was accused of raping his wife? Jezebel remembers.
Hear that, ladies? This is just a big distraction from the IMPORTANT issues. Women wanting respect, wanting to not be grabbed by the pussy at work? What a bunch of whiners. Get your panties out of bunches and get back to making me feel big. Huge!