So what you’re saying is this band is similar to Steel Panther but less filthy?
So what you’re saying is this band is similar to Steel Panther but less filthy?
Everytime I see a spider I do not like it. Since I live in a complex with shared walls, it takes a lot of restraint not to pump that spider full of #8 bird shot.
So what happened in your game 7 vs the blues? For opposite effect whenver Pavs or Cooch scored for the Sharks they generally won. They both scored last night whlile I was at work. I stayed at work for the whole game getting paid OT as well (I was also working).
My fireteam ran into this problem once, a few sticky bombs and some flash bangs...he was dead. We couldn’t get his loot though but felt good killing him.
On a motorcycle you have the ability to literally turn your torso around to look at your “blindspot”. Plus when I was learning to ride, I was always taught to worry about what is in front of you and not behind you. Unless it is the cops, then you are justified to drop gears and stand up wheelie away /end sarcasm. I…
A old friend of mine who is a master mechanic, ase cert...yada yada and rides a motorcycle pulled off one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. A buddy pulls up on a RC-51. Minutes later said tech is squeezing the clutch lever saying, “wow, your brakes are really squishy....” I will never let him live that down.
I think the general man code states that only one set of balls is allowed per motorized two wheels. So nope, nope, nope and plus a scooter, nope.