
Agreed. If I can stay out of boost (unlikely) I can run 26MPG around town all day with my ‘15 WRX.

My wife has a ‘13 Soul and I would never willingly buy one again... honestly, the car isn’t that bad looking but it’s sooo slooooow, gas mileage is awful for the pathetic power it has, the climate control and touch screen is pitifully bad, the vents blow in your face (they looked to have changed that with this model)

Literally every fucking flight I take I at least *think* this. Pretty much the only thing I’ve decided is that like in all things, people are just stupid.

I’m sure there are tons of brilliant women drivers... unfortunately my wife isn’t one of them. She drives like a 16 year old boy. No coasting... either on the gas or on the brake and nothing in between. It’s downright scary.

So I read this article last week just after my Jaybirds had died, so I ordered some of those Jabra Sport Pulse earbuds.... complete garbage. After the 2nd set that wouldn’t charge and having Jabra tech support tell me that if I upgraded the firmware, they would work (they didn’t), I’m sending them back and getting a

Is that Jon choking out Little Finger in the caves at 1:17?

I test drove several Focus STs in my search for a new car in late 2015. Loved (and still do) the look of the car, it’s beautiful and I wanted a hatch. However between the awful, cramped seats, the prodigious torque steer and the fact that the WRX (which I ended up buying) feels and is faster, I couldn’t do it.

Idk about its other shows but ‘Dark Matter’ and ‘The Expanse’ make it worthwhile to me... both are fantastic shows.

Very well written article on the wonders of obsession. Hard to believe someone could let it get that far... then again, Terrance doesn’t seem like a “normal” person in most regards.

Don’t worry, our genius Secy of Energy Rick Perry has got this.

The Patriots break the rules and cheat mercilessly? Shocking I say!

I don’t even want to talk about James Bond anymore until they wake up and cast Idris Elba as Bond.

Paying attention and being courteous is where it’s at, but god, so few do this now... obviously anecdotal but I’ve been REALLY paying attention the last few months and by my rough estimates approximately 20% of the driving population uses turn signals. People literally just dgaf anymore about that, ever.

Test drove a 6 when I was looking in the fall of 2015... very nice car, very nice looking car... slow doesn’t really describe it however. Not a Buick fan myself and while I’m sure it’s faster than the 6 (how can it not be) I wouldn’t classify 0-60 in ~6.2 “fast” either. Base model WRX is “fast”... four doors and

44 here and have a ‘16 WRX that I bought brand new last year. 4 doors, plenty of room for dogs and kids and fun to drive anytime. What I want to know is how all these 20 year olds afford $30k new cars? Rich daddies?

I mean aside from them driving on the “wrong” side of the road... how is that stuff any different than the EXACT same thing that goes on here literally every time I get in traffic?

The looks are very polarizing. My 17 year old son loves it... I think it looks like a Transformer on crack. Too much plastic imo... that engine sounds impressive tho, probably a blast to drive, just wouldn’t own it.

Yep, absolutely... one of the first things I re-discovered about a manual when I bought my ‘16 WRX 6MT last year... 1st gear is good in the alley behind my house, 2nd is good for 25MPH zones with speed humps, and 3rd and 4th gear keep my speed in check simply by me hearing where the RPMs are at driving around town.

My son and I loved this show until they did this...

Pretty sure that 85% of the driving public would respond to this article by saying, “what’s a turn signal?”