
Exactly what I was gonna say. Looks like a VW

I can’t say that I’ve used many of these systems, but the ones in my ‘16 WRX and my wife’s ‘13 Kia SUCK DONKEY NUTS. These touch screen monstrosities are stupid and dangerous. They take too much attention to use, you can’t just find buttons to push and turn, you have to look at it... for a long time... I’m all for

It sounds more like a sports car than a sports truck... but I’m not sure that really matters.

This struck me as curiouis...

Don’t you have speeches or briefings or something to screw up Spicer, instead of trolling on Jalopnik?

I owned a 1995 Honda Civic CX Hatchback... white, manual transmission, hand roll windows. I bought it brand new. Drove it about 8 years and sold it, wish I’d kept it. I was getting 40+ MPG in mixed city driving when gas was $0.99/gallon. Those mileage figures you state are pretty reasonable given my recollection,

I had the very sobering thought the other day that both of my boys are (basically) draft age right now. My oldest is 21 and about to finish college and my youngest is almost 17 and has one more year of high school. After watching this first week of Trump stomp around doing stupid things, I realized that this fool

I don’t get this at all. I was taught as a young driver when using cruise keep your normal driving foot (right foot in my case) available and ready. I’ve never, not ever even once, in 25+ years of driving had to “sort out my feet”. Using cruise control doesn’t affect my attention while driving.

Was going to ask this myself...

This might work if the defense contractors didn’t own the politicians.

Did they just take his word that the pennies added up to the amount he owed, or did they make him stick around until they were counted?

Absolutely. My ‘89 Z-24 would go exactly 126MPH and felt like it was about to shake apart. Not recommended.

I saw my 2nd showing of it last night and weirdly the thought about someone assuming Baze and Chirrut were gay came to me as I watched their scene in Jeddha City. I figured we’d hear some religions nuts spazzing about Disney promoting homosexuality in Star Wars at some point.

Rey has to battle a sea creature for the “right” to be on the islands?

That thing looks like it’s going to fall over just sitting there.

My thoughts exactly and really my only criticisms of the movie... they should have left Tarkin turned where you could only see him in reflection and not had Leia turn at all.

A ‘Forever War’ movie! Holy shit. If they made that AND an ‘Old Man’s War’ movie I think my life would be complete.

I had this exact car in 1990... except mine wasn’t convertible, but it was red. Loved the car then, but wouldn’t want it now, no way.

I didn’t watch this episode last night as has been my custom this season... and based on this article, I’m glad I didn’t. This show has fallen so hard it’s pathetic actually and a little stunning.