
Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.

Keeping right unless passing is actually the law in a few states. It is rarely enforced. That’s the real issue.

I like how at 1:40 the driver throws the fire extinguisher up in the air and leaves it where it falls in the middle of the street as he walks away.

Lamborghini.., attention whore to the bitter end.

she used the car’s manual to troubleshoot her problem


I don’t get this site, you hate racists but you say anything you can and generalize white people as often as possible. Like the title of this post.

I’m fine with this. Smoking is terrible, sometimes I wish cigarettes were banned outright. I smoked on and off from age 22 to 26, and many of my friends at the time were smokers. So many of them have struggled to quit for years, and regretted ever starting. I don’t know any smokers who are really happy that they’re

Dr. Henry Bello. I expect Gizmodo will drop the story now.

Pastafarianism is just as valid as any other religion. Don’t call us “atheists” just because you don’t understand our beliefs.

Well, he (or, “it”?) is the only flying deity, and this was air travel related.

Do you think it’s worth it, if it saves a life?

Imagine how big of a squid you’d have to be to think 1) kicking a moving car at highway speed is a smart move.

You know how they say you cant buy taste? You also can’t buy intelligence. You would be surprised how stupidity prevails throughout the social ladder.

Lots of stupid rich people. They’re born that way.

I can’t tell you how much I disagree that using the term “autopilot” somehow implicates Tesla, as if the man wasn’t specifically trained, educated, and reminded on the limitations of the system. He was willfully and foolishly risking his life despite all warnings.

The definition of autopilot isn’t something that takes full control. That would be an autonomous car. Autopilot is something that reduces driver workload, like autopilot on an aircraft.

The name definitely plays a part in the general public’s perception of the technology but in this specific case, this guy pushed autopilot to the limit on multiple occasions. He ignored the “I Agree” button and it cost him.

New ad: “I’m super gorgeous, a 10/10, but I also have herpes. Love, Giulia”