AWD exempts you from the laws of physics. Everybody knows that.
AWD exempts you from the laws of physics. Everybody knows that.
Ha everyone knows you don’t waste your money on winter tires, you get AWD and the cheapest “all season” tires you can and drive around thinking AWD makes you invincible. And you do such a good job of convincing everyone of this your wonderful consumer advice makes it way to Southern California where people now believe…
Nah! I had a Ferrari F1 team hat on one time when I went to the Charlotte NASCAR race. I didn’t think much of it as I just grabbed the hat I always wear, but as I was walking into the pits the guy checking passes said “is your Ferrari sitting in the parking lot? (chuckle chuckle)“ I had to think for a second…
Doesn’t this get tricky with the Ferrari F1 team?
George Foreman wouldn’t have had a problem.
not if he gets impeached! 🤞
Man, you make 55 seem old! I’m thinking once you take social security.
Yearly testing for senior citizens and affordable mass transit. Until then, stories like this one will be all too common.
The article makes no mention of that though, it makes it seem like just removing apps and deleting old emails will make your computer run faster, which is not the case unless the drive is almost full(and really, if the drive is almost full, old emails are probably the least of your problems unless they have huge…
Wait, just having ‘too many’ apps on a Mac can cause it to slow down? Like, not to the point of only being a few gigs free, just having ‘too many’ generally even if you have tens or more gigs free?
They will build it... but change it ever so slightly... into a minivan
So what you’re saying is that he is looking for a true PAL.
This will now be my standard reply whenever I hear the annoying question, “Why do you drive a stick?”
“You ain’t fuckin metal ‘til you got a clutch pedal”
Pure distilled essence of Jersey right there. Brought a little tear to my Jersey eye.
Damn, that was hard to watching Trump greeting foreign leaders.
Lucky you and so would I.