The title makes me think of that video of the people trying to load a Civic into the back of a truck. “WHY DID YOU TURN”
The title makes me think of that video of the people trying to load a Civic into the back of a truck. “WHY DID YOU TURN”
Oh sorry, I should have said LA.
We got four seasons,
I’ve seen so many tuning shops around my area start to offer financing on parts and labor. That said, if you can’t afford to pay for your mods in cash, you probably shouldn’t be doing them. Especially on a financed car. What happens when you’re 7k in parts debt and 25k in car debt and your engine decides to explode?…
It’s just unreal the level of delusion that goes on with the modern-day left. I am a registered Democrat. Not in the Klan, don’t have any apparel with swastikas on it.
They should explore why black men seem to be more prone to DV. It has nothing to do with “thugs.” We see all sorts of articles about weak white feminism, the fragility of white men, but Jezebel never explores why black men commit a disproportionately large amount of DV. It’s the perfect intersection for feminism,…
I have a feeling many know he is a troll and star him anyway.
Have you seen this?
It never fails, does it?
Yes, they can. I guess chris brown articles and cosby articles hating on them dont exist and that just two examples of many.
Not only that, but Jezebel will never mention the epidemic of domestic violence among black men. This story, along with the San Bernadino school shooting, and all they write is a generic article about DV. They do mention that black women suffer from homicidal DV at twice the rate of white women, but say nothing on the…
So what should they write that black men are violent thugs and should be treated as such. It was domestic violence. They guy didnt do it because he was black.
The OP’S response is the racial version of what happens here whenever a Muslim commits an act of terror: “But Christians do bad things too!”
Let’s all jump to conclusions despite the lack of available evidence.
GREAT IDEA! F1 drivers ejecting out of their seats and then parachuting into the grand stands?
But if we get fighter jet canopies then I’m going to want to see ejection seats. It’s a slippery slope
Those numbers don’t seem that outrages, especially when compared to Google Play, it looks more like Apple is just willing to pay more in general. Also I would be interested in knowing how many plays in general each service gets compared to the other. If Spotify gets double/triple the plays that Apple does, then it…
This one weird factor being removed from our study allows us to declare racism!