I hate to say this, but its better than the first season of the Grand Tour. Depending on the guest, the new guest section is tolerable at best. More car focused, and i don’t think they’re trying as hard as GT did, which to me makes it more genuine.
I hate to say this, but its better than the first season of the Grand Tour. Depending on the guest, the new guest section is tolerable at best. More car focused, and i don’t think they’re trying as hard as GT did, which to me makes it more genuine.
It’s good. Honestly it’s better than The Grand Tour so far...
It wasn’t that white women voted for Trump. It’s that too many of them plain did. Not. Vote. Or voted for Jill Stein. Or wrote in “Saint Bernie.” Hillary being “uninspiring” was just as great a crime as all of Trump’s treasonous, racist, genocidal mendacity. I have to work with a white woman who spends all her time…
It used to be that to save space Windows only installed the drivers you needed. So if you swapped the hardware out, it had no drivers for the new hardware - cue blue screens and black screens and spinning cursors. Definitely something I don’t miss about the ‘good old days’ like moving IRQs and IO ports around.
The Z is a good example, because it shows how expensive this car would be if people got what they wanted.
So that wasn’t a Mustang leaving Cars and Coffee?
Your new name is McGalaxy, for the amount of stars you should possess.
I think an argument could be made that the fact that Trump exists means God doesn’t.
God doesn’t exists, next question.
Unfortunately, we cannot pick and choose the criminals we WISH had committed certain crimes, and those we wish had not. Instead, we have to live in reality. This guy doesn’t deserve anyone’s conflicted feelings — he’s awful.
Sentence him to driving a tiny 3 cylinder with an automatic transmission that slips.
“Too big to have a manual?”
We may well be in the midst of a slow-motion coup. If you were going to try to undermine democracy in this country, you would probably start by attacking the judiciary, the free press, the intelligence agencies, and the voting system. If you can succeed in undermining public confidence in those institutions and…