When will we be able to vote online? Seems so much easier. Use your SSN, vote on stuff, done. Might need a third credential to make it authentic, but still... your name + SSN + third credential + CAPTCHA would work fantastically.
When will we be able to vote online? Seems so much easier. Use your SSN, vote on stuff, done. Might need a third credential to make it authentic, but still... your name + SSN + third credential + CAPTCHA would work fantastically.
1) Downloaded it.
I saw this article a few days ago and couldn't believe the title: "Users would rather use web apps than native apps on their phone" or something...
@hawkeye18 has a huge gun: Agreed 100%.
@rott: Nothing like concrete pits in that fresh unibody aluminum case, eh?
@N7: It's evidently interesting enough for you to have clicked on it to leave a shitty comment.
@pdubs1087: The standard $300 netbook is twice as thick, has a shitty screen resolution (1024x600), no SSD ( 4GB), an Atom processor, and most have a terrible battery life.
@conman577: Then it's not for you.
@dweezilb: You'll stick with that wimpy Atom processor, 1024x600 resolution, and conventional hard drive, too.
@sp00nix T-5: It's not a netbook. Not even close.
@m1ndtr1p: Quick, give me a list that shows how many USB 3.0 devices there are at the moment.
Aren't you already caught by the time your detector (whether it's standalone or iRadar) goes off?
I have to agree with him... USB 3 really hasn't been adopted anywhere, except by early-adopters. And even then, they're specifically buying USB 3.0 stuff just to say they have it. I'll even tell you straight-up... I have a USB 3.0 54mm ExpressCard that I have no reason to use over my eSATA one. People are simply…
@jeremy_mccurdy: Just a tease, eh?
So with these smaller pieces, I'd need a few to be satisfied, which nullifies the entire process?
@Ninety-9: I can always afford to buy new stuff because I sell my old gadgets when they're less than 4-6 months old. I get tired of things. Quickly.
@matt buchanan: We still love you, Matt. Well, I do... I don't know about mahiskali.
The Galaxy Tab pic is crooked. #corrections #nitpick
@Ninety-9: So you're still using Windows 3.11 for Workgroups? Or System 7?
@gthing: What?