
I'm waiting for this multitouch gesture.

What about the flip side of every one of these things that render old fuckers as missing the other end of their lives? What about old people that are too busy rolling around the USA in their motorhomes and nursing homes that are missing things that could be memorable at the end of their lives?

I hate kids but I still think this is bullshit.

@MifuneT: I want the one with the bigger Jee Beez.

@kingcrim84: 100 gigs of music? You paid for all of that?


The Torch went to Hell...

I didn't even get past having to create an account. Closed the tab immediately.

@j05hu4: You should buy up all of the neglected N900s and build a *cue the music* brick... house!

C'mon, you know when you say "smartphones" are getting 1.5GHz Qualcomm chips by the end of the year", you really mean "Android handsets will get them by the end of the year".

I heard an Android (Motorola DROID?) camera shutter at 2:33. At least they know a good mobile platform when they see one.

Want m0ar shots of the hot blonde chick @ 1:45!

@pdditty: Finally got my e-mail.

@pdditty: I'm still waiting... around 30 minutes for me too.

@gaiking: That's odd because I just reset my password. It sent a link to my e-mail, I clicked the link, typed in a new and confirmed password, and it was done.

@minibeardeath: Those are two completely different 4chan image requests.

@sam-a: One word kills the deal for me — resistive.

LOL @ all the crying in these comments.