
Wow, this is crazy in-depth.

@VenomIreland: If you look above, the past iBuyPower customer writes, "The cost is pretty much equal to the cost of the parts."

@Vidal89: It's okay... you can buy an iPhone every year and be surpassed by the same Android handsets.

@Warren Leitner: The read link above points to BGR's original article, which says November of this year.

So now that he's left Apple, we'll get to hear the real antennagate story first-hand? Sweet!

@Cromwell: I'm 40 years younger than your landlord.

Concept: Cool.

Yay 480x360.

@Clixx13: My previous comment showed no attitude.

@Whitson Gordon: It seems hardly worth creating molds of vinyl to "back it up". Vinyl — Digital, and be done with it. Less space, time, and calories wasted. Call me lazy.

Wait. So the original Palm Pixi was released less than a year ago and didn't come with Wifi?

@LoganSix: You know what assuming does...

@Hiphopopotamus: How exactly would you have used that 3 minutes and 20 seconds?

Great. Then keep selling "unlimited" when you know your users aren't consuming that much data.

@octasquid: Your arrogance doesn't make your comments suck any less.


Oh I'd love to see the sales numbers on this gem. /sarcasm

@Zinger314: That's why there's probably a disclaimer prior to using it. Call recording is legal if the other party is aware.