
Switch Off Shuts Down Your Computer from Anywhere?

@matthewrex: I read the first three words of the article and immediately flew down to the comments to see if someone else complained about it. I've never seen it spelled this way, either.

@Robotronic: Old Media — New Media = Doesn't work. (Or at least they don't think it will.)

@Jesse Scroggins: I don't know, but it's the same pic every blog seems to use for Hulu-related articles.

@berbar: Pre-signage owned you.

@ProperBritish: You're right. They should hire you to issue names for upcoming phones.

@kushkm: I couldn't tell you the last time I saw a Palm Pre in the wild. I also can't tell you the last time I went to a carrier's store or kiosk looking for a Palm Pre. Small sample size, sure — but maybe that's why.

@J2M3: That's why you sign a receipt when you return items. They come after you. (And the cashier gets fired/demoted.)

@msafiri: Neither of which have ever been harder than opening a bottle of Pepsi, amirite?

Windows DS?

@mrgibblechip: With AT&T screwing MicroCell users on their monthly bandwidth, it would be nothing out of the ordinary to see AT&T screw their users yet another way.

@FritzLaurel: Right, just like AT&T's MicroCell works through your home broadband connection but data passing through the device counts toward your monthly bandwidth limit. Sounds logical to me!

Too bad they're not homescreen widgets, eh?

@acidrain69: Isn't Ft. Lauderdale considered "old people capital of the USA"? I don't think they make a Mark the Spot app for Jitterbugs...

@peckels01: It has always been 5GB, but everyone ignores the fact in their articles.

It really depends on YouTube's current load whether or not I can stream HD video.

@junyo: No one said tablet computing is "fully formed". And no one said he invented portable music, either. Lolumad?

@drsquirrel: Previous tablets sucked. And they're not even the same kind of "tablet". A laptop with an articulating stylus-enabled display is _nothing_ like a multitouch tablet running an operating system specifically designed for your fingers.