
Even though it was (might still be) in Beta, Ecwid was an awesome storefront "back end" a few months ago when I used it for a raffle.

@Izod517: Let me get this straight... So you bought three non-store-bought WRT54Gs for less than $60? eBay is the only way that comes to mind. Am I right? (amirite?)

I don't understand.

Depends on the size and type of the business.

tl;dr @ work - Post videos and let us judge on our own.

I prefer 4chan.

I'll take one!

Nice racks.

Mere opinion, but Windows Mobile was cool until about 2006 — when the iPhone came out. The iPhone paved the way for the mobile smartphones we have today with its multitouch input.

@Mr_Bloggerific: So true. I also can't wait for RIM to die out. It's happening, slowly but surely.

I can't recall the last time I read an article in the NY Times.

Why have the "legs" at the bottom as oposed to just adding weight in the center of a monopod? Should be the same result. (Other than being able to sit this mechanism down on the ground like a tripod.)

A few inconsistencies in some of the rows. Not incorrect, but some cells are just in different formats than the others in their row. Pixel dimension orientation, video recording resolution, processor specs for the A4...

Who the hell uses this shit?

There is nothing complicated with the current (new) Facebook privacy settings unless you are a complete idiot. And in that case, you probably don't care about privacy settings anyway.

VOTE: Ultimate Boot CD

I just click the Goo.gl URL shortener button on the right side of my Chrome window and it's done in seconds without lifting a finger. Copied to the clipboard, too.