
I'm not a fan of expose, either. But the Mac does task switching just like windows. Command tab functions the same as alt-tab on Windows. Taskbar > Dock in general too, more functionality and it's just as easy to access.

Because the computer is likely an off the shelf model made by a Chinese company, and only the software is different?

The thing is - any sort of attention is going to give you a boost. Opera (hah!) had a huge audience, so whenever she mentions something, it is liable to get a LOT more attention, particularly if it's a small market sort of item, or a person providing a service.

PSU is massive overkill. Here's a 430w Corsair that is adequate, and is $25 after rebate. Should be adequate with a GTX460 and SB quad core. Ignore anyone that says you need 600w for this stuff. For SLI, sure, but for one video card, you should be OK. But you can get a decent quality 500w if you really feel the

Probably more like 8-16MB of RAM. Not 128 back then!

ARM has many lines of processors. ARM11 was the generation before A8, which is also known as Cortex-A8. ARM11 is, clock for clock, about half as fast as A8. Odds are a PII running at 300Mhz would blow this away.

Seriously, lordargent, if you can squeeze an SSD in to the budget, get an SSD boot drive and a HDD mass storage drive. Big enough SSD to put your OS, programs, and current projects on. The performance difference is huge. 80-120GB is all you need. Don't be under the impression that you need 500GB of space on an SSD

Look at some comparisons.

IMNSHO, a tower is an even better place for an SSD. Because you can put as many drives in the machine as you want.

The backup stuff in Windoes isn't mega complicated, but where it lacks is in terms of feature discovery. It doesn't have a catchy name, it isn't advertised as a feature, and, believe it or not, it works quite well. This looks like a consolidation of these features in to one place with a name that people will

The UI isn't hardware accelerated (yet - I think it is in 3.0). Also, if it had flash on, installed, and always on, any flash thing that loads makes the browser chunk up; flash on Android is OK as long as you have it *not* load anything unless you tell it to (You just get blank windows you can tap).

I think what a lot of people see is that the popularity of X, which is still growing, is outstripped by the popularity of Y.

How do you rip off a color?

Well, what are you looking for? Applications will come; not as fast as they did in the Apple ecosystem as sales of Android tablets are going to ramp up more slowly. Buying a Xoom now is like buying a G1 was when it came out. If you want a fully baked experience, it'll be another year. Maybe 6 months as they've got

This looks nice but overpriced.

Compared to free, a dollar is a tremendous barrier.


@Harpsichord: A lot of that is because Android isn't as mature, and apps don't sell as well in the market relative to user base. Apps on android have come a long way in a year, and with carrier billing coming online for most, people will buy more often.

@Ignignokt: Boing Boing covers most of what I see in other blogs (many of which aren't tech related), but in a generally inferior manner. I keep it around in my reader because it catches some things I miss, but their tech coverage ranges from vapid to mediocre. But every once in a while they remind me why I keep