
@I, Opener: The one by Art Bik is good. It's just named Chess for Android. The AI is alright, and the program itself is simple and works well. The biggest downside is that the AI strength is controlled by allowing the CPU an amount of time to calculate its moves, if you're bad at chess, you may find it to be too

@OCEntertainment: Cut it any way you want, a 100 million unit per year market with a very high growth rate (What, 75%? More?) isn't a small market.

Not that the Galaxy Tab is particularly competitive with the iPad, but this may exemplify why sales of it haven't been fantastic; if it were also available in WiFi only at a reasonable price, it would probably sell a lot better when not being forced to deal with a data contract.

Where is the testing? That you casually noticed one more bar of reception? Can you not look up signal strength on your phone?

@Boss Mojoman: It really depends on what you want to do with the laptop. The MBA 11" has a niche of "Want to take it everywhere" along with "Need a bit more performance than a netbook". Can you do real work on it? Yes. Can you comfortably do a lot of real work on it? Probably not, but it's fine for emails, very

@amels802: Watching it drop percent by percent wigs me out. Use it for a little while and you see it drop before your very eyes.

@J Dub: So the trick is to buy the hardware that will last you the longest. Don't worry about the 10% improvement that's coming in 2 months, but the 50% improvement that's coming in a year.

@stickyd: Find a carrier that charges you less money when you don't sign a contract...

@stickyd: Here's an idea. Don't buy in to contracts.

@lvlln: Really? I have tiny hands (For a guy - probably average girl hand size), and 3.7" isn't too big. I should know. I have a Nexus One, and I wouldn't mind the screen being a bit over 4". 4.5" may be a bit too big, but it looks like this thing has less wasted space than the Droid X, which I find manageable

@kaleberg: If you want to compare something to a Macbook Air, look at, say, a Lenovo x200. i3/5/7 chips, 12" screen, battery ranges from ~4 hour 4 cell to heavier 6 and 9 cell options with proportionally better battery life. 6 cell is 5-6 hours and doesn't protrude.

@minibeardeath: I couldn't replace my netbook with a tablet. It wouldn't work. I type too much for it to be a viable swap.

@csc3: Manual backup is a bad idea if you need something to actually update reliably. Unless, say, a daily backup is part if your routine, you might go quite a while without backing things up.

@☆Giroro G66☆: I have a Dell laptop that came new with a nice, for the time, x1400 video chip. It got 3 hours of battery life. The model with integrated video got 5. Battery's dead now, but that's not the point.

@poisonborz: Keep in mind, Sandy Bridge is running on the same manufacturing process as current i7s.