
@Arken: Apple does that to make their computers feel faster. It's intended to confuse your brain. They do a lot of touches like that.

@quillaja: Have you ever undergone double blind testing?

@funstraw: Yes, I am aware that most raises don't push people in to a higher tax bracket. My original post was in response to the writer of the article who claimed, in the article, that his paycheck got smaller because he got a raise in to a higher tax bracket.

@funstraw: What do you mean you would "most likely only take home $300"?

@naokininetails: What is posted above is pretty much the rule of thirds. The photo used there is in a very standard composition.

@J: A more convenient alternative than plugging the phone in is using Dropbox. A free account is fine for such things.

@mxillerlitxe: I was providing ridiculously lopsided numbers that were easily calcuable in my head. You can run the numbers with approximations of real tax brackets (15, 25, 33 or somesuch). My point was that even with an idiotic 90% tax bracket, while your marginal income gains shrink a lot, your real income still

@Csense: Sadly, this seems to happen randomly. It's usually because you have a phone that's not compatiable with the app for some reason (IE, wrong version of Android), but I've seen, say, people with totally capable Droids being unable to find an app in the market that someone with a similar phone can see.

@Mukmu: Everyone uses the best available tool for the job if they can. Apple only recently stopped using windows mobile, for example. And MS uses Apple products, too.

To the author of the post:

@Ninelight: Someone else noted "Oregano" by Gonzales a few minutes ago.

@ZaxxonQ.com: And, can you play them with a couple hundred ms of lag introduced between your movement and what happens on the screen?

I have a desktop and three laptops. If my desktop goes down and I need more power than my trusty netbook provides, my somewhat creaky but otherwise functional Dell 17" monster sees some use.

@tobylane: Depends on what you mean. My bet is one of the 15" ultralight models, which should clock in a bit over 4lbs. Some of them even have pretty good hardware. Look at the Asus U series and the Acer Timelines.

@drsquirrel: Tasker will fix #2 for you if you want. You could set it to mute the phone when you load the app.

@P-Nation: A few basic things you may be interested in, as a general point:

@P-Nation: Currently 2,703,142 people playing games on Steam...

@Cheezsama: Umm.... just go to Amazon and order one.

@cynep: She's very old, dude. Looks good for her age, too!