
@Pseudo_Hakim: I've ridden 70+mph coasters in the rain, with no eye protection.

@DouglasJayFalcon: It's usually the old wooden ones that do it, and I'm not sure it's intentional to scare you, it's a matter of how much structure there needs to be.

@jncarlos: Recover using an optical disc or off a partition on the hard disk? These days most laptops have recovery partitions. It can be as quick as 5-10 minutes and can take much longer than an hour on a really slow system. I recently did a system recovery on a complete POS that took nearly 18 hours, and that was

Some people think inside the box. They make products like Better Keyboard.

@theimmc: Nong Shim. Kimchi flavor. mmmmmmmmmmmm

@ihavnoclue: If you don't know anything about computers, and have, say, all of your life's work on said computer, don't have it backed up at all, and don't want to lose it, you may realize that the contents of the hard disk in the computer are worth far more than the machine itself.

@cadenlaguna: This may be true, but a pair of bolt cutters will work 100% of the time. If you line it up right it takes <10 seconds.

@ManiacalShen: I agree. It is kind of sad. Consumer spending in this country is so debt driven that it is a joke. I have helped people with normal salaries (25-40k) plan for working through $30k or more in debt. It wasn't only on homes that people got and abused too much credit.

@out-phaze: While I never drop $500 on a card ($300 yes, sometimes), power consumption is important to me because I like to have a relatively quiet computer. My current computer has a 5850, and the video card is the loudest part of it: I don't regret the purchase, but when it's time for a new video card, my next card

@xaronax: Yep! 90C is quite possible for many video cards. I had an old FX5900 that was passively cooled that would hit mid 90s celcius. Never had a problem with it, either, other than the terrible performance in DX9 games.

@Andy Mesa: You could do some research on how credit scores work.

@mynameisjay: Not many. But when you spend $8000 on your credit card one year, and then just pay the minimum balance, your balance does not go down much, so your average credit card bill is nearly $8000/month. At least for a couple years.

@Apollinarius: The bills are kept high because people *don't pay them off*.

@Andy Mesa: 300 minutes/unlimited internet/100 texts is $55 on Tmobile. Unlimited everything on sprint is like $70. The Evo gets a $10 upcharge for being 4G, but that's still with unlimited everything.

@ManiacalShen: They are average balances. Not how much people charge on their phones. Americans do like their credit cards, and in this economy, with a lot of people un and underemployed, some people use them (incorrectly) to buy crap they don't need when they don't have enough income.

@Masai Andrews: Getting 3 stars in most levels isn't too hard, but does take a lot longer than just plowing through the game.

@EdgarJPublius: Awesome post. You're a fine example of why sometimes people who write on these blogs should write about something they know about. :D

@Xagest: Said alarm clocks inevitably have a place for a battery.

@vinod1978: At this point, what does BB offer that others don't

@RuckingFetard: Sounds like you've never had a system with an