
@senselocke: To be pedantic, "Banning a game" probably equals "possession is illegal". There are other ways to get a game besides buying it in Australia, for example buying it somewhere else and bringing it to Australia. Or if a game company were willing to give it away, not that they would.

@Steven Ansell: You can tell if you're saying it right by matching up the vowels: either "comprises" or "composed of".

@missyjean130: Their feelings didn't stray because of a video game, though. Their feelings strayed because of how wonderful they thought each other were. The fact that it happened over playing a video game is immaterial. It could have happened over regular chat, or over jogging, or over digging ditches.

@Jackstick: He apparently has 2 kids, Mini- and Micro-.

@khronos: If you want to piss people off, try Lightning Bold on for size. My bartender friend calls it his "Fuck Off and Get Out of the Bar" music, played at closing time.

@MesaBoogieTool: Is criminal justice supposed to be an avenue for revenge? I don't want to live in a world where violence occurs, regardless of whether it's justified (the justification of being murdered while in jail notwithstanding).

@Royta: Maybe the direct testimony of whoever saw the chats. That would likely carry significant weight. Besides, the most likely avenue for the authorities to even have been notified was probably that some participant in the chats notified law enforcement themselves.

@thatdamnprinny: Leave them there. When they finally fall out, you have a tasty surprise later.

@mkelly300: There probably were some process and manufacturing improvements in the intervening time between prototype and mass production.

Is he just saying "pitch" with a Japanese sort of pronunciation that sounds like "peach"? That would make more sense w.r.t. "baseball".

@WarpedCore: Actually, I just bought a used PS3, so I now have dual citizenship in the 360 and PS3 nation-states. I'm actively mining the back catalog now that they're cheap. I've never given a damn about Gran Turismo games, but I'm absolutely buying this on day one, full cost, whatever else, end of story.

@GumbyX: These USB devices probably do have an IC on a circuit board, just with a USB I/O interface instead of direct solders to points on the board. So I'd call it a mod chip, both because it is still a chip, and because it still does the same thing as the canonical idea of a mod chip.

@Composition_C-4: Yeah, I have a buddy that develops the embedded C++ code on Motorola cable boxes, mostly for European markets, and he tells all sorts of stories about how terrible Comcast's implementation of the software is compared to the features they offer to European cable companies.

@DaStone: No worries. I just think it's ridiculous and surprising how long copyright lasts in America. It's not like Disney can't still exploit Mickey Mouse to derive revenue. It's just that they've been doing it since 1923.

@draper3000: I think the big difference between the Google devices and the Apple TV is going to be the attitude toward openness. Apple's always been the type to favor control over flexibility. It's why you have to jump through hoops to get apps for sale on iPhones, and you have to use iTunes to synchronize devices,

@RRW: Yes, they'll get that "Will it Blend" guy to grind up the old PSPs and put them in a little canister that they put in the new PSP2.