
Just wanted you to know that I went through this and came out the other side fine. I had OCD anxiety routines as a child that my parents didn’t see. Something around that age threw me into a panic that wasn’t calmed by my routines. Until adulthood my parents had no real clue about how I came down from it since I dealt

I grew up in a family with a long history of depression and anxiety and no one sought treatment because therapy and drugs were for “crazy people” and as a result various family members, including myself, just hobbled along with no support for many many years (some never got help).

If you want to try something out of the box, look into energy work. Specifically esoteric. It’s helped me a lot. It’s bizarre but if you’re open to something different, it’s worth a shot.

Please try not to stigmatize treatment options (i.e. medication) especially to your daughter - she may very well need to be medicated and it doesn’t mean her personality will change because of it. I think a lot of people who would greatly benefit from medication avoid it because of misinformation about how it may

Glad I’m not the only one who found that second excerpt vomit-inducing. That was perhaps the least sexy thing I’ve ever read. Boilerplate lease paperwork is sexier.

In some ways, it seems to me that fanfic’s sort of stepped into that niche for the darker kinks. I’ve read and written a fair amount of noncon/dubcon, and I’d hate to see it go away completely. That part about books not being real life is so very, very true. They can be our place to explore pretty much whatever we

Well it wasn’t all that long ago that a woman wasn’t allowed to sexually desire any man unless she was married to him, so I always figured these rapey scenes were to allow the heroine to experience sex but still maintain some degree of respectability and sympathy. It’s still all sorts of wrong but that’s the reasoning

I’m not saying consent can’t be written well but, I’m not sure how the two excerpts written here (especially the second one) are an example of something that could be considered “sexy.”

“How does one provide a space to explore sometimes darker fantasies without propagating unhealthy ideas about relationships?”

I write erotic non-consensual fiction. As a survivor of rape, assault, and molestation, it took me a VERY long time to accept that I fantasized about non-con scenarios, and that it didn’t mean I was a horrible, sick person. When I write about this stuff, I try to make it as grounded in reality as possible—sex isn’t

I feel bad for anyone who makes a mistake on the internet, because people will see your comment and then fall over themselves to correct you without bothering to see if you’ve been corrected already.

an improvement in my depression, cholesterol is down, don’t snore anymore, and most important of all: I haven’t had a migraine since December

I’m glad it’s worked out so well for you and I wish you all the luck! I can’t imagine how heartbreaking hearing your daughter say that. My good friend had twins and is very focused on eating healthy but can’t seem to lose weight despite eating so fantastically healthy (makes me want to kick the teeth in of anyone who

So if Nassar had been raping men, you would support him raping more men in prison, as long as those men had already committed a heinous crime?

People are still advocating prison rape? Really?

He was my first truly insane celeb crush, circa GoF until the end really. I was 14 when it started and had to rely on crumbs of details on what he was up to. If insta was a thing I would have flunked out of high school obsessing over his. I’m so tempted to investigate now wow

Religious channel with lots of choir “Amens!”

I now worship your kid as a minor deity.

Twelfth Night is better.

Yep. The last time this issue was discussed the writer did the same thing, and the commenters all pointed out that he addressed the allegations directly.